Chapter One

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Pic: This is what Haru looks like. He wears the same sort of clothes too. (Not my art. Found it on Pinterest)

"Hello" - Talking

'Hello' - Thinking 


The clouds overhead were dark grey and heavy with the promise of rain. Yasuda Haru watched as green foliage blurred past as the fancy car drove down the forested road. When it got too much he focused on a single tree until it flew by and disappeared behind them. Haru smiled, life was like that, he supposed. You could look ahead to the future, or behind for the past, but all too often the present raced by far too quickly to process. Which was how he found himself here with his little sister, Komori Yui, sleeping on his shoulder in the back of a car, being driven into an unknown future. Across from them, sitting as far away from the two of them as possible, was the spoilt banshee, Komori Maria.

They had all grown up together in the church, headed by Father Komori Seiji. Haru was left on the steps of the church by his mother, who had been too poor to care for him any longer. He had enjoyed his first year. He had been treated well and was much loved by the nuns who cared for him. A year later he had been joined by a tiny, platinum blonde baby girl. He and Yui became inseparable. As the years went by Yui was taken under the wing of Seiji himself. Haru was still friends with her, however, and the two of them got up to all sorts of mischief, often assisted by Sister Kanna, a nun who had fled an undesirable marriage arranged by her rich parents.

Haru was 12 years old when he made the mistake of confessing that he found boys attractive. Everything had changed then. Father Seiji became cold, often looking at him in disgust and singling him out for punishment, even when it wasn't his fault. Even the nuns who had raised him grew distant. 

The only people who didn't change were Yui, Sister Kanna and a small ragtag, often neglected, group of orphans who were being raised there. Yui had quickly declared her full support of her older brother's decision, much to Seiji's horror. He tried desperately to pull her back under his control, but Yui had become more willful than Seiji had anticipated.

"Why?", she questioned when Seiji tried to convince her that Haru was no longer worth her love and time, "But the Bible tells us that we must treat others the way we want to be treated and to love each other as we love ourselves!"

It wasn't long before he gave up on her and focused all his attention on a dark haired, blue-eyed, half-Japanese girl called Maria.

Maria might have turned out better if she hadn't been doted upon, indulged and spoilt rotten by Seiji. The man had even put the idea into her head, that she was better than everyone else, and she believed it fully. The result was the spoilt, self-entitled little witch with a capital 'B', that sat across from Haru and Yui today.

The car pulled up in front of a long driveway that led to a huge, dark looking mansion. Haru and Yui both shivered, they got a creepy feeling from the place. Maria scoffed at their antics.

"Stop gawking and help me with my bags", she ordered. Haru snorted as Yui exaggeratingly rolled her eyes. They both knew that by 'help', missy Maria really expected them to take her luggage for her.

"Sorry Yui did you hear something? Sounded like the distant screaming of a Banshee." Haru mocked and Yui giggled. Maria started turning an interesting shade of beetroot red.

"How DARE you!", she screeched loudly, "My father will hear about this!".

"Wow, the banshee must be related to the Malfoys", Haru continued, Yui was doubled over laughing now. They weren't allowed to watch movies like Harry Potter at the church (because witches were all evil according to Seiji), but Sister Kanna had introduced them to the wonders of the wizarding world through the books she'd smuggled in, they were Yui's favorite.

Just then Haru felt a raindrop on his cheek, and it started to rain.

"Every man for himself!", he declared as he and Yui grabbed their minimal luggage and ran for the shelter of the doorway, leaving a red-faced, spluttering Maria to try and keep up with her multiple bags of clothes and beauty products.

Reaching the door first Haru knocked quite hard before helping Yui up the stars with her bag. There was no answer, so Yui knocked again. This time the large door creaked open to reveal a darkened hallway. Haru and Yui looked at each other worried. Did the people they were going to stay with realize they were coming today? A drenched Maria finally hauled herself up the steps before shoving the two of them aside and just entering the mansion without invitation.

'How rude', both Yui and Haru thought. But nonetheless they followed the banshee down the hall and entered a gorgeous reception room. 


Author's notes: So in case you haven't realized, Haru is a joker and an idiot, but a lovable one (unlike a certain dark-haired banshee, but more on her later). 

Haru is 17-years-old, Yui is 16 and Maria is 15.

I've written all the names Japanese style with the last name first and the first name second.

This is my first time publishing a fanfiction anywhere. So please be gentle with me!

Stay safe, love ya all. 

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