Chapter Five

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Dinner was like a carefully choreographed ritual, led by Reiji, and a completely silent affair. Haru and Yui sat next to each other, between Ayato and Laito. The meal was good, if a little bit bland. Maria was still out of it, apparently, so the meal went by without a fuss. After everyone had eaten, Subaru was the first to stand up and excuse himself, stomping away angrily, although neither human was sure what he was so angry about. He was followed closely by Shu, who just got up and lumbered away without asking, causing Reiji to glare at him. Next the triplets all excused themselves and wondered off to do whatever they did on a Sunday evening, leaving the two humans alone with Reiji.

Haru was the first to break the, really, awkward silence.

"Um...... Reiji?", Haru asked for his attention. Reiji just hummed.

"The meal was very good thank you, but I thought I should probably let you know that I'm highly allergic to shellfish". Reiji just nodded his acknowledgment.

"I'm also gluten-free", Yui piped up, "is that going to be a problem?" she asked carefully.

Reiji sighed; he did a lot of that.

"I suppose you can't help your dietary requirements, we of all people should know that", he said, referring to his and his brothers vampirism, "Is that all?", he asked.

"Yes, that's all", Yui confirmed. There was another awkward silence.

"Very well, you are both excused", with that Reiji got up and left the room, leaving the two humans sitting at the table behind.

The siblings got up and Haru wrapped his arms around Yui in a hug, burying his face in her shoulder and letting her temporarily support his weight. It was an arrangement the two had. Haru was always trying to be a good and protective big brother, but oftentimes the burden was too much for him to bear alone. Yui had found him one day when they were just kids, back at the church. Haru had tucked himself away in the darkest corner he could find, tears streaming from his eyes, fresh scars from his latest punishment by Seiji.

"Let me carry you. Let me share the load", Yui had pulled him towards her and rocked him back and forth in her gentle arms, "I'm stronger than you think, so don't worry about breaking me when you share your burdens with me".

Back to the present, the two teenagers stayed like this for a while, before Haru finally let go.

"Well", Haru began, "We've gotten ourselves into quite a situation here, haven't we?" Haru tried to sound cheerful, but his smile didn't really reach his eyes.

"Correction", Yui defended, "It's the poor decisions of our so called guardian that are to blame".

Haru hummed in agreement.

"Listen, at this point in time it's probably best just to do as these people say and try not to antagonise them. That way we can possibly keep injury to a minimum", Yui reasoned.

"Yeah", agreed Haru, "That still doesn't mean that I'm not going to worry about you. Those triplets are really creepy, they stare at you like you're a piece of meat."

"I'll be fine Haru, I can take care of myself, you showed me how", Yui tried to reassure her brother.

"Yeah, but I'm not a professional by any means. Yui, I don't like it here", Haru confessed. Yui just pulled her brother into another hug.

"I don't like it here either Haru. But until someone comes to get us, we're just going to have to survive the best we can. We can do it Haru! We survived all those years in that dark, oppressive church after all", Yui tried to encourage Haru, who simply nodded.

"We should probably get to bed", Yui finally said.

"Yeah", agreed Haru, "They said something about a night school, so I guess this means our sleep schedule is going to be very messed up soon", he gave a cheeky grin and Yui found herself smiling back.

Everything was going to be okey. As long as they had each other, everything would be fine.


Author's Notes: This chapter was almost an outtake however, I thought it was important for Haru and Yui's character development and backstory.

This is the last of the pre-written chapters. I will need lots of encouragement and constructive criticism to write the next chapters (I'm just an attention seeker who needs to be told she's a good girl *wags imaginary tail*) .

That's all. Stay safe, don't forget is okey to rely on others.

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