Chapter Eleven

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Maria's POV

Maria walked cautiously down a dark stairway. Peering around a corner, she saw what she'd been looking for. A phone!

"Found one", she said triumphantly. She wanted to ring her father, she'd tell him about how bad she was being treated and he'd come home and pick her up right away. Then everything would go back to normal, she'd go home to the church, where she was treated like a princess, and maybe, she might be able to find some better looking boys to date.

Picking up the receiver, she glanced around nervously.

"AHHHH!!!" she screamed. Standing silently beside Maria, was Kanato.

"K-Kanato, you're still here!?", Maria stuttered like a little mouse.

"Obviously..... do you know why I'm here?" he answered emotionlessly.

Maria gulped, "Um...?"

"I'm thirsty, and so is Teddy", Kanato spoke softly, "Say, Teddy? What do you think of this girl for being so callous?"

"M-my name is Maria, and I'm sorry. I'll go buy you something to drink right away, sorry Teddy", Maria tried to sound cute and submissive.

'Maybe I can get him on my side!', she plotted to herself, 'He's cute, maybe he will come back to the church with me. I'd make him into my prince! He should feel honoured.'. Maria blushed and giggled without knowing it. Kanato, however, frowned.

"Would you please not address my Teddy as though you know him? I am the only companion he needs", he spoke angrily, "Isn't that right, Teddy?"

"O-Oh, I didn't know. I'll be right back" Maria faltered and quickly walked away.

'What is wrong with this boy!? First he seems sweet and then he changes into a nasty piece of work! He'll definitely need to see a psychiatrist' Maria stormed. Then she saw Yui. She knew exactly what to do.


No-one's POV

It was lunch break at school and Yui had made her way to a spot where she hoped she wouldn't be bothered. She and Haru were both currently trying to avoid people at the moment. Haru had been bitten, he'd tried to hide it under a scarf, but Yui had caught a glimpse of the bandages around his neck. She was horrified, who had done this! Hadn't her brother suffered enough, why was it always him!?

She had tried to speak with him, but he'd brushed her off, saying he was fine. That was exactly what he usually did when he wasn't fine at all, when he was hurting. He often smothered his true feelings and locked them away. He'd been that way since they were little kids. Yui felt powerless to help him, and she hated it! She wished that she could just stake all the vampires in the building, but that would be murder, and that would upset Haru even more.

"Hey! Yui!", Yui tensed at the sound of a shrill voice she knew well, now was really not the time for Maria's antics. Yui turned around to see Maria marching towards her.

"Kanato is thirsty. Go to the coffee van and buy the fanciest coffee they have", Maria ordered. Yui blinked, unimpressed.

"No offence, but Kanato really doesn't seem like a coffee drinker to me", Yui spoke slowly, trying to make the banshee see sense (for once in her life).

"And what would you know!? Your so dumb you don't even know how to swim!"

'Neither do you bitch', Yui thought, quickly loosing patience.

"Go buy the coffee, I'll wait here for your return, and don't even try to shirk your duties! Remember, father put me in charge".

Yui rolled her eyes, 'Oh well, Maria is the one delivering it. On her head be it'.

A while later she gave the searing hot coffee to Maria to deliver to Kanato. She decided to follow her to see what would happen, might as well have a little fun after all.

"Here, I bought you coffee", Maria chirped. But the purple haired vampire scowled. He hit the coffee out of Maria's hands, spilling it all over the floor.

'I'm not cleaning that up', she smirked.

"OWWWWW!!!" a banshee screeched.

"I prefer things that are sweet! I hate things that are bitter like coffee! Why can't you see that?!" Kanato seethed.

"I-I didn't know!"

"Don't talk back to me! You are a worthless human and have no right!"

"I-I'm sorry", Maria sobbed repulsively.

"You aren't sorry, so why are you apologizing?!"

"What do you want from me!" Maria wailed, feeling victimized.

" I want you to think of that on your own"

"I-I'll go get you something else", Maria sniffled.

"No, thank you. I'm no longer interested. In the future, please make the effort to understand me. I hate people who make no effort".

Maria got up and made to leave, but noticed something missing.

"Where's my bag!?" she yelped.

"I put it up on the roof to punish you for your insolence", Kanato called out as he left.

Maria stood still for a moment, and then, when she was sure Kanato was out of hearing range, she turned around to face Yui.

"Go fetch my bag, now!"

Yui glared at the banshee, if she didn't do it, she would probably throw a big tantrum.

"Fine, anything to get away from you" she snapped, and with that, Yui turned on her heel and left the indignantly spluttering banshee behind.


Author's Notes: Nothing much here, just Maria being maria and Yui being the awesome, protective little sister she is (Yui is about to stake some vampires if Haru gets hurt again).

More on Haru next chapter!

Stay safe out there people! 

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