Chapter Seven

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Haru and Yui stood together in the reception room. All the brothers were there, everyone was ready to go...... except for Maria it seemed. There was no sign of the banshee. A minute passed, and then another two, before Reiji huffed angrily and marched back into the house again. Two minutes later, Reiji came back into the room, dragging a crying Maria behind him.

"You bully! My father will hear about this!", she sobbed like a brat. She was completely ignored by everyone.

A minute later they were all sitting in a huge limousine, in complete silence, except for the occasional sniffle from a sulky Maria.

Yui looked around the limo, each brother was doing their own thing and ignoring each other.

'They don't even talk to each other if they can help it. I'm sensing some really deep family issues here'

Ayato finally broke the silence.

"What's on your mind Pancake?"

"Just the fact that I have a name, its Komori Yui, and you're an arsehole", Yui snapped back without really thinking, causing some of the brothers to chuckle or smirk at her response.

"Shut Up! You really have some guts to defy Ore-sama like that! Your opinion will never matter to me in your lifetime, Pancake", he sneered as he made a lunge for her neck. Haru was just about to anime-kick this piece of trash out the window when Reiji abruptly shut his book and huffed.

"Ayato, how many times must I tell you? Take such activities to your room".

"Hmph", was the only reply he got.

Reiji reached into a car fridge, built into the limo ('this car is so fancy!', thought Haru), and pulled out a juice box and handed it to Yui.

"This is for you", he said, "100% cranberry juice is the best cure for weak blood".

"I presume this is for your sake rather than mine hah?", Yui guessed as Reiji also handed a juice box to Haru.

"Your presumptions would be correct", he stated simply. Maria started to shake like a leaf in the wind.

"Oh, her teeth are chattering, Teddy", Kanato informed the teddy bear he always seemed to be holding, "When mortals feel fear, they reflect it with this sort of behavior. It's funny, so have a good look".

"Wha...... What about me?", she asked, stuttering like an idiot.

Reiji just game her an unamused look, "Why would I waste perfectly good juice on you? It's not like we're ever going to drink from you, your blood is nowhere near the quality of Haru and Miss Yui's, it's second class at best."

This statement caused Maria to turn beet-red and open her mouth to say something, but before she could, Reiji gave her a devastating glare.

"One more word out of your mouth and I'll throw you out of the car while its still moving", his tone was low and threatening, causing Maria to close her mouth again with an audible clop.

The other two humans just looked out the window and drank their juice in silence.


Nothing happened for the rest of the trip to school, but when they got there, there was a huge crowd of screaming girls and some boys. It was intense! How did these guys do this every day!?

Reiji turned to them, "You are in the same class as Ayato and Kanato, so go with them".

Haru and Yui just nodded in affirmation.

"Unless you want a whipping, don't try anything reckless. Understood?", the last part was directed at Maria more than anyone else.

Haru just saluted and ran off after Ayato and Kanato, dragging Yui along by her hand so that they wouldn't get separated.


Haru was nervous and excited at the same time as he, Yui and Maria stood at the front of the classroom.

"Ok class, we have three new students joining us today. Would you like to introduce yourselves?", their teacher, a tall, busty, brunette lady asked them gently.

Yui cleared her throat and went first,

"Hello, my name is Komori Yui. I'll be in your care", she gave a standardized, formal greeting. Haru could hear some of their new classmates whispering to each other.

"She's kinda cute"

"Confident, I like it"

"She'd better not be thinking about stealing MY Ayato!"

Haru almost smirked at the last comment, 'Oh if only she knew' he chuckled to himself.

"Hel.... Hello. My name is Maria. Please take care of me", Maria stuttered softly in a way she thought was cute. Haru rolled his eyes.

'Putting on the innocent act again I see', he grumbled.

"Hey, she's cute too"

"Look at those boobs!"

"What a fake"

Haru did chuckle this time as someone in their class saw right through her act.

"Ahem", he briefly cleared hid throat and paused for dramatic effect......

"The names Yasuda Haru. Looking forward to getting to know you all. That's all", he finished anticlimactically, causing some of his new classmates to laugh a little (and Yui to roll her eyes).

"OMG! He's nearly as cute as the Sakamaki brothers!"

"He seems cool"

"Oh great... another wannabe comedian"

"Ok! Here are your schedules, my name is Akiyama Naomi, your homeroom teacher. If you have any questions you can just come and find me, ok?", Akiyama-sensei smiled as she handed each of us a sheet of paper with our classes on it.

"Oh, food prep!", Yui said excitedly. Cooking and baking were some of her favourite things to do in her spare time.

"Hmmm, I have languages, then HPE", Haru hummed.

"I guess we'll find each other again at lunch break?" Yui asked.

"Yeah, see you soon, try not to get bitten", Haru added as an afterthought. With that the siblings went their separate ways.


Author's Notes: I love Yui and Reiji in this fic, they're so sassy. I don't think they'll be romantic though. Reiji's only thoughts on Yui is that she's the more tolerable of the human females.

I know Haru is older than Yui and Maria but for plot's sake they're in the same class (don't judge me).

"Try not to get bitten". A foreshadowing of the next chapter?

Anyways, stay safe. Try not to get bitten!

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