Chapter Three

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They entered a lavishly beautiful living room, and Reiji gestured for them to sit down. Yui and Haru sat together at one end of the huge, rather comfortable couch, Maria sat as far away from them as possible.

"Now, please inform me once more of who you are and what you are doing here", Reiji questioned.

"Well...... we're...", Yui was cut off by a very creepy laugh that sent shivers down their spines.

"What's this? Can it be? Three little humans, come to visit us", a sultry male voice drawled. The three said humans abruptly turned around to see another handsome boy, leaning over the railing of a balcony. He looked a lot like zombie...... Ayato. He had reddish-brown hair and emerald green eyes and wore a fedora hat indoors.

The three of them glanced away for a second, and Yui felt something wet slide across her cheek. Immediately she quickly turned and slapped the perpetrator...... the same guy that was standing on a balcony only two seconds ago. Were there twins? The fedora hat boy just laughed, even as he was pushed off the couch by Yui.

"Oh, I like this one. She tastes really good", he chuckled.

On the other side of the couch Maria was giving Yui a dirty look.

'I suppose she thinks this guy should belong to her too', Haru thought while switching his death glare between her and the manwhore on the floor.

"Mmmm, your right, Laito. She is sweet", Came a softer voice.

Haru turned just in time to see a purple-haired boy lick his sister's ear! Again, Yui turned to slap the boy, but the boy was quick and dodged the strike.

'Wow, forget red-head zombie, this kid looks like he hasn't slept in a week!' Haru exclaimed internally.

"Enough you two," Reiji scolded, "This behavior is highly inappropriate, especially to a lady you've only just met".

"Awww, don't be such a killjoy Reiji. We just wanted a little taste of a delicacy that looks and smells sooo good. Isn't that right, Kanato?" The fedora guy purred. Maria was positively fuming now.

'All their attention should be on ME! Yui isn't anything special so why are they paying any heed to her? Maybe they're just playing with her and are actually secretly attracted to me!', Maria deluded herself.

"Oi! Knock it off! Ore-sama saw her first. Therefore Ore-sama gets her first everything!", Ayato waltzed in from the foyer.

"The hell you will! Stay the fuck away from my sister!" Haru stood up and growled at the arrogant boy.

"Your so lame. I'm sick of you calling yourself Ore-sama", another angry sounding voice snarked.

'How many people are living here?!' Haru asked himself.

"Screw You! Subaru, I know you're there, show yourself!" Ayato raged.

"I'm over here idiot", a gorgeous, white-haired, red-eyed boy ('Albino?', Yui thought) seemed to melt out of nowhere by the wall.

"I thought I smelt humans in here. So it was you three," He said grumpily, "How dare you interrupt my precious sleep?!"

"Hay were sorry okey, we don't know what's going on either", Haru spread his hands in an appeasing gesture.

"How did you get in here!?" Maria squeaked (what she thought was) cutely.

"SHUT UP!" The white-hired boy yelled in rage and punched a huge hole in the wall, "So annoying".

'What is this guy? Superman!?' Haru thought alarmed.

Reiji sighed and pushed up his glasses, "Has anyone been informed of these humans coming to live with us?', He asked in exasperation.

(HAITUS) Well this Sucks (diabolik lovers x male oc)Where stories live. Discover now