Chapter Eight

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A/n: This chapter is mostly Yui centric with a little bit of Haru at the end. Get ready for some drama people!



"Yes! Make me the best takoyaki in the world!", Ayato had cornered Yui after her first class, food prep, and was now demanding her to make food for him.

'Arrogant twit', Yui thought angrily.

"No way, we have to attend our next class", she tried her best to sound firm.

"No back talk! Ore-sama will eat them for you, now Get cooking!", it looked like Ayato wasn't going to let her go this time, so steeling herself, Yui complied with his wishes.

'Its my first day and I'm skipping classes in order to cook for a big, spoilt, baby!', Yui frowned to herself while preparing the takoyaki. Ayato was standing against the wall, bouncing on the balls of his feet.

'At least he's excited', Yui would never admit it, but it was kind of cute, like a puppy dog waiting to be fed.

At last, the food was ready, and Yui watched as Ayato took a bite.

"Yum! This is really good!"

"Glad you like it", she said sarcastically as she started cleaning up the workspace.

"Here, have some!", Ayato offered her a piece of takoyaki, which she took.

'Might as well saver the fruits of my labor', she thought while putting the dishes on the sink.

"At least help me wash up", she grumbled.

As she was washing the dishes, she suddenly felt someone press up against her back. Yui froze.

"What are you doing?", she asked quickly. Her heart was beating rapidly in fear, but her survival instincts were, for some reason, malfunctioning.

"Come on Pancake. I've been holding it all in since yesterday. Let me drink from you." Ayato purred in her ear. Yui was defiantly scared now, she quickly tried to move way, but Ayato cut off her escape and cornered her.

"Your skin looks delicious, without any fang marks. Ore-sama is going to take your every first experience".

It happed very quickly; one second Ayato was making to bite into Yui's neck. The next second Ayato was pinned up against the wall, Yui twisted his arm around his back and was holding him firmly.

"Did you really think I'd just stand there all pretty while you drained my life force you parasite", It was Yui's turn to purr fiercely into Ayato's ear.

Ayato just stared bewildered into space. That's exactly what he thought he'd be doing.

'Fufufu, Haru's lessons have finally paid off', Yui thought victoriously to herself.

Just then, Reiji walked in. He paused as he surveyed the scene in front of him.

"I didn't know you enjoyed being pushed around by small females, Ayato", this caused both Ayato and Yui to blush and splutter.

"That's not what happened!"

"This isn't what it looks like!"

Reiji raised an elegant eyebrow.

"I hope you weren't thinking of partaking in her right here Ayato. Or need I remind you that its strictly against the rules".

"Oh shut up Reiji", Ayato yelled. Yui judged it was safe enough to release the now fuming vampire, and Ayato quickly tore himself away from her grip.

"Insolent brat! Are you asking to be punished?" Reiji scolded angrily.

"No", came the mumbled reply.

"Then I expect the both of you to get to your classes this instant".

With that, Yui and Ayato quickly shuffled past the irritated older Sakamaki and left to find their next class.


When lunch break came, Yui found herself waiting beside the pool for her older brother, who had just finished physical education class and had gone to get changed.

Just then Ayato came marching up to her again.

"Go away", she frowned at him. She was sick of this arrogant codfish thinking he could just push her around.

"You still haven't gotten it through your thick head", he replied, sounding angry.

"Wha......", before she could finish, Ayato interrupted by picking her up in his arms.

"You are at the mercy of Ore-sama. Stop quibbling over every little thing I do!" He shouted before dropping her in the pool.

Yui didn't even have time to yelp before she started sinking.

"Now, tell me that I'm the best. Tell me I'm better than anyone else, and that you belong to me".

She tried to scream for help, but only received a mouthful of water. Soon her struggling started to get weaker, and her vision began to blur.

"YUI!", although shouted, her brother's voice seemed distant to her.

Suddenly, she felt herself being pulled from the water. Once out, her brother lay her on her side and hit her back to help the water drain out of her mouth. She coughed and shivered, exhausted.

"YOU IDIOT! WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL WERE YOU THINKING!!!!!!!", Haru was utterly furious.

Ayato's face was ashen. His lips moved, but no sound came out of them.

By now a crowd had come and surrounded them and the HPE teacher, Fujikawa-sensei, was trying to get through.

"Move!", he yelled as he finally pushed through the students that had gathered to gawk at the scene. The man checked over Yui. Judging that she was going to be well enough he turned to Haru.

"Haru, take her to the nurse's office", Haru nodded and gathered his little sister into his arms.

"What happened here!?", Fujikawa-sensei asked the assembled crowd.

"Oh Yui! Are you ok, you're such a clutz!" It was Maria, acting all concerned over Yui, "Its ok sensei, she just tripped and fell in. Yui's so clumsy, she's also a little bit strange up here, if you get my meaning", she said sweetly, gesturing to her head when saying the last part.

"LIAR!!!", Haru screamed at the bitch, before turning to Fujikawa-sensei, "Ayato dropped her into the pool, sensei, and Yui can't swim!"

"Ayato-kun would never do that! You're the liar here, Haru!", Haru grit his teeth. This bitch was going to get it as soon as they got home.

"Enough!", Fujikawa defused the argument.

"I did this", came a very subdued voice. Everyone turned and looked at Ayato, who was shaking.

"I did this. I didn't know she couldn't swim. I almost killed her!", Ayato had a haunted look in his eyes as he spoke.

Fujikawa sighed, "Haru, take miss Komori to the nurse's office. You're both excused to go home. Ayato, you will come with me to the principal's office".

This time, Haru wasted no time in picking his sister up and taking her away. 


Author's notes: Yep, I made Yui badass. Ayato definitely likes being pushed around by her. Reiji has a sense of humor and you can't tell me otherwise.

More of Haru next chapter I promise.

Stay safe. Love ya all. Don't go dropping people in pools (unless they deserve it)!

(HAITUS) Well this Sucks (diabolik lovers x male oc)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora