Chapter Nine

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A/n: Just another boring dinner chapter. Maria faces punishment for her actions though.


As he waited outside the nurse's office, tears started to run down his face as he processed the terrible events that had happened. He'd almost lost his sister! If he had been any slower, he might have failed to save her.

Soon Reiji joined him, Sitting in the chair next to him.

"I've called our driver; he should be here to pick the two of you up soon. Ayato has been suspended, so he'll be joining you, however he has been forbidden from interacting with either of you until I say otherwise. If he tries, you will inform me", Reiji's tone left no room for argument, not that Haru would have argued anyway.

"Thank you", Haru said simply.

Reiji nodded and took his leave.


That night, they all sat around the table for dinner. Yui although shaken and exhausted, insisted upon joining them. Once again she and Haru were seated together, though this time Kanato formed a barrier between Yui and Ayato. Maria was seated by herself on the other side of the table, Subaru had refused to sit next to her and had quickly shuffled down next to Shu, who was sitting as far away from everyone as he could.

Maria didn't touch her food. She was hoping to get some attention.

"You haven't eaten very much, Little Bitch", Laito drawled teasingly.

"Oh..... Ah...", Maria stuttered, trying to sound innocent.

"You need to eat properly, or you could become anorexic. Then you'd be really ugly. Would you like me to feed you?" Laito continued, wriggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"Laito, stop that, you don't know where that thing has been", Reiji said quickly. Laito snickered but didn't say anything. Maria just stared dumbly at Reiji, not getting a thing the man had just said.

Shu stood up and made his way out of the room,

"This is a pain", he murmured as he left.

Reiji glared after him.

"Tsk... That deadbeat...... Nothing good can come of anyone who grows up spoiled rotten", he said the last part turning his glare to a certain black-haired banshee, who was in her own little world, a blush spread across her cheeks, she let out a giggle that was anything but innocent.

"What would you like to eat next Teddy? Let's have a banana snowball", Kanato spoke quietly to his Teddy. He tried to stab one of the treats with a fork, but the sweet broke in half. The result was Kanato laughing madly as he continually stabbed the items on his plate. Reiji just sighed, again.

"That will be all for today, you are all excused".

At once all the boys got up and went their separate ways. Yui, Haru and Maria made to get up as well, but Reiji stopped them.

"One moment. A word please...... whatever your name is", he said referring to Maria.

"Its...... its Maria....... Sir", Maria stuttered meekly. This time she sounded genuinely afraid. Reiji was the one brother that Maria found herself wishing would just disappear.

'My life would be so much easier without him. I can't control him like I can the others,' she thought disappointed.

"Your table manners are deplorable," he started, "You live under our roof, and we have graciously given you food and a place to sleep. And yet you repay us by causing a scene and embarrassing us at school, not to mention your inability to listen to anything that is said to you. You will be punished".

Maria stared open mouthed at the dark-haired Sakamaki. Her face started to turn red.

"You...... how DARE you! You don't know what you're talking about! This is so unfair!", she finally burst, tears streaking down her face and spluttering indignantly.

"I will be taking your phone now, and I will also be revoking some of your other privileges".

"NO! My Phone is mine! You can't take it from me!" the banshee screeched.

"I already have", Reiji held up her bright pink, latest model phone, he looked very unimpressed now.

Maria opened her mouth again, but Reiji's eyes flashed blood red and his fangs grew. His glare alone was enough to stop missy Maria in her tracks.

"I have had quite enough of you and your arrogance!", he seethed, his tone was deadly, "If you don't get out of my sight right now, I will kill you, regardless of that man's orders".

Yui grabbed Haru's hand and the two of them shivered in fear. This was a predator, in front of them. And they were the prey. The poisonous aura was too much for Maria....... She fainted. Reiji reverted back to a friendlier form and stared disgustedly down at the horrid girl.

"And that takes care of that," he turned to the other two humans now. Reiji handed a folder to Yui and Haru. It contained notes from the classes they had missed today.

"These are for you," he said simply, "You may go now".

Yui and Haru said goodnight to each other before going their separate ways.

'What a day', Haru thought, 'glad its almost over'.

Oh how wrong he was.


Author's note: I was wondering if I should just cut this chapter entirely but I thought if I did that the next chapter wouldn't flow on as easily.

By the way, I have no argument with anorexic people. The comment made just seems like something Laito would say, him being an asse and all.

Next Chapter is going to be a bit saucier I think, so buckle up and enjoy the ride.

Stay safe out there! Love ya all.

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