Chapter Two

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Pic: This is what Maria looks like (Again, not my art, found this on Pinterest)


Haru's jaw dropped. 'Yikes!', he thought, 'whoever lives here is incredibly rich'.

Looking around their eyes fell upon the sleeping figure of a very handsome boy who looked about Yui's age. He had messy reddish-brown hair and seemed to be wearing an equally messy school uniform of sorts.

Maria took one look at the poor guy, and started blushing, she looked like she was undressing him with her eyes, pervert. She walked over to the sleeping boy and started speaking softly and politely to try and wake him.

"Looks like she's putting the innocent, damsel in distress act on", Yui murmured to Haru quietly.

"She really should've been an actress at this rate, she's the best Liar I've ever seen", Haru agreed.

"Ex...excuse me, can you pleas.........AAAAAHHHHHHHH", Maria emitted a shill screech that nearly made Haru's ears bleed.

"Oh for goodness sakes Maria, what's wrong?", Yui questioned, sounding annoyed.

"This man is dead!", Maria yelled dramatically, "Well don't just stand there, call the ambulance or something! Ewwww, I can't believe I touched a dead guy, what if I get a disease!"

Yui rolled her eyes as she pulled out her ratty old flip-phone (Haru didn't own a phone) and tried to dial, however there seemed to be no reception. She looked at Haru grimly.

"I think we should get out of here", Yui put her phone away, "start making our way back, maybe we'll pick up some signal on the way and call the police".

Haru agreed, but suddenly the body....... stirred?!

"Damn. So Noisy,"

Everyone froze in place.

'ZOMBIE!!!!', Haru screamed internally.

"Why are you being so noisy? This isn't your house", the boy's eyes blinked open, they were a stunning shade of green.

Quicker than Yui's muttered apology, the red-headed zombie grabbed Maria and pinned her under him, causing her to blush and start stuttering dumbly. She gave a sultry gasp as he started....... Licking her neck!?

'Ewwwww', both Haru and Yui shivered in disgust.

"Forget the banshee, we should definitely get out of here", Haru muttered quietly to Yui, who elbowed him in the ribs.

"We can't just leave her here, sure we may hate her but that doesn't mean she deserves to be molested by some creepy, undead guy".

"Actually she looks like she's enjoying it, who knew Seiji's little angel is actually a little......."

"Don't finish that sentence", Yui chided.

"What is all this commotion!", a strict sounding voice that made Haru and Yui want to stand at attention, filtered into the room.

A tall, dark haired man, who looked only slightly older than Haru strode into the foyer.

"Reiji", the red-haired zombie guy growled at the older man, who just ignored it.

"This is an entrance hall, Ayato, a place used to receive our guests. Please take your private activities to your room", the man spoke patronizingly to him.

"Tch....... Arsehole", zombie guy, Ayato, slurred disrespectfully. He released Maria and pushed her off the couch.

Maria blinked once and gathered her act together again. After momentarily studying the dark haired man, Reiji, she sprang to her feet and ran towards him.

"Please, help me!", she cried pathetically. Haru couldn't believe his eyes, was she really trying to hook up with this man too? Immediately after she'd been pressing herself up against red-haired zom...... Ayato?

The man just looked at her coldly as she tried to throw herself into his arms, stepping aside at the last second and leaving her stumbling past him.

'At least she kept her balance', Yui grimaced.

"And who might you three be?", The man seemed to be addressing either Haru or Yui. Haru cleared his throat.

"I am nobody", he said sagely, causing Yui to roll her eyes.

"You've been reading The Odyssey again", Yui grumbled.

"Yeah, guilty", Haru replied sheepishly, Yui sighed.

"My name is Komori Yui, this clown here is my brother, Yasuda Haru, and that banshee over there is Komori Maria. We may have the same name, but she and I are not related, please keep that in mind."

Reiji nodded politely to her.

"We have been sent here by our guardian, Komori Seiji, again, I am not related to him", Yui continued, "We were meant to live here while he was away on a business trip....".

"I have heard nothing of this", Reiji interrupted, "Ayato, explain".

"Hah? I don't know anything! I was just minding my own business and then balloon boobs over there started screaming!"

"That was because I thought you were dead!", Maria started crying crocodile tears, "And then you attacked me out of nowhere. I was so scared!"

Ayato raised an eyebrow, totally unconvinced by Maria's performance. Again, Haru and Yui rolled their eyes at her antics. Ayato looked over at them.

"Is she always like this?", he asked. Haru and Yui just nodded their heads in sync.

"This is strange, I have not been informed of any guests", Reiji looked deep in thought.

"Um, who exactly are you?", Maria asked dumbly.

Reiji clicked his tongue in annoyance, "We  won't talk here. Come with me. See to their luggage", he ordered some invisible person. An elderly gentleman came out of the shadows, effortlessly lifted ALL of their bags, and disappeared again. The three humans shivered and hurried to follow Reiji.


Author's notes: So I've pre-written a whole heap of chapters and I'll upload the first five here and postpone putting up any more until I get some reads and comments (because I'm an attention seeker that needs encouragement please).

This story is looking like a slow burn so far but we'll see as we go. 

Not all of the Sakamaki brothers are going to end up with Haru, some I've planned to end up with Yui (Yui is good in this fanfic and we will hear no hate from her). 

Anyways, stay safe. Peace out!

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