Chapter Ten

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A/n: *Peeps out from behind a rock* Hi, um before you start throwing stuff at me just let me explain where I've been. So I've been in hospital with a back injury, don't worry, I'm getting better now and I can actually sit up and write this (I'm never taking walking without being in pain for granted ever again). So to make it up to everyone, I'm posting two chapters today. Enjoy!


Haru was looking forward to a nice long, hot bath. It would help him to relax after the days events. Looking into the mirror, he could see the beginnings of dark bags forming under his eyes. He sighed. He hadn't been getting enough sleep, the stress of his new environment was getting to him.

Turning around towards the bathtub, he suddenly jumped! Before calming down and frowning, annoyed at the scene in front of him. Shu sure did like his room didn't he?

Before Haru could open his mouth, the blonde-haired vampire stirred uncomfortably.

"Keep it down... I'm just having a bath", he murmured sleepily. Haru just looked at him, unimpressed.

"Ok, one: your fully clothed, two: don't you have your own room and bath!?"

The blonde smirked, "Would you rather see me naked? You naughty boy."

"What!? No! This is my room, and I just wanted a bath, that's all", Haru stuttered. He could feel a blush spreading across his cheeks against his wishes.

Shu opened one eye and his smirk widened, "You wanna join me?", he asked mischievously.

"No! Shut up! Why would I want to do that"

"You're blushing you know"

"No I'm Not!"

"Shhh....... Not so loud, I'm tired", Shu's mood suddenly swung, and the conversation descended into an awkward silence.

"Um....", Haru tried to break the ice, "You and your brothers? You're all related right? I mean, you're all so different".

"Hmm....... We have different mothers", Shu replied, seemingly uninterested.

"All of you!", exclaimed Haru.

"No idiot! Reiji and I are from the same mother, and the triplets, Ayato, Kanato, and Laito, are from another mother", Shu corrected, sounding mildly amused and annoyed at the same time.

"I'm sorry ok! I'm tired too", Haru defended himself, he was so embarrassed, "What about Subaru?", he added as an afterthought.

"He's also from another mother", with that Shu sank underneath the surface, trying to get away from the tedious conversation.

"Ah!", Haru exclaimed and launched forward to try and pull the sleepy vampire out. He was frightened and traumatized. He'd just saved his little sister from certain drowning today and now this guy looked like he was trying to drown himself!

"SHU!", he shouted. Shu's eyes suddenly flew open, and he gripped Haru's arm tightly. A haunted look entered his eyes.

"Edgar?", Shu's voice sounded far-away as he stared at nothing.

"Shu?...... Shu?! Come on man, you're grabbing my arm too tight and it kinda hurts", Haru tried to snap the vampire out of whatever trace he was in.

Suddenly Shu pulled the smaller boy into the cold water of the bathtub over the top of him and started to nuzzle at his neck.

"Let me drink your blood"

"Wha....... What?! I Protest!", Haru yelled, trying to free himself from the vampire's grip.

"Are you frightened?"

"Of course I am! Some weirdo has a hold of me and wants to drain my life force like a mosquito!", Haru shouted, completely flustered.

"You're very pale. I bet if I bit through, you would spurt bright red blood like a geyser"

"Thank you for that imagery", Haru grumbled sarcastically.

"You always have to get the last word in hah?", the blonde smirked into Haru's ear. Haru shivered and stayed silent.

"Make no mistake. I am a vampire. I will show you a whole new world".

Shu's fangs sank into the soft skin of Haru's neck and pain exploded throughout his body. He gasped and sighed in pain, he wanted to push away from the vampire, but his body was frozen, his brain felt sluggish. White danced at the edges of his vision when Shu finally pulled away, licking the area where he'd bitten Haru.

"Your blood is so hot, it burns", the blonde vampire moaned into his ear, causing Haru to shiver again, "You're getting excited. I can feel it. What a dirty little boy you are".

Haru groaned and flushed in embarrassment,

"Stop acting like I wanted this!", he whispered viciously, "Do you really think I wanted to be trapped here in a house full of bloodsuckers?!"

"Hmmm, I honestly couldn't care about what you think. I can see why you were sent here though; your blood is of the finest quality", The blonde-haired vampire finally let Haru go and waved him away dismissively.

"Think twice before you reach out to me again. Never forget what I am", Shu got up from the bath, Haru was shocked to see that his clothes were dry. He walked over to whare Haru had scrambled away and stood over him.

"To me, mortals are just prey to feed on", Shu said coldly, reaching down to cup Haru's cheek in his hand, "As you've already found out. Don't even dream... of messing with me".


Author's notes: I was a little uncomfortable writing the bite scene, I'm not sure if it counts as non-con or something, should I put it in the warnings? Anyways, my back's killing me and I need to upload another chapter yet.

Stay safe! Happy (late) new year! 

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