Chapter 9.5

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(A/n: A filler chapter that was almost an out-take, but I thought it was a crucial tipping point for Yui and Ayato's relationship. More on Haru and more spice soon I promise)


Yui had already showered and was just about to fall into bed when she heard a tapping at the door. She walked over to answer it, peeking outside she saw Ayato. His eyes were downcast, and he looked very remorseful.

"Um...... Pancake......", he trailed off awkwardly.

"Yes", Yui encouraged gently. She and Ayato may have gotten off on the wrong foot, but she was willing to give him another chance.

"I'm... really sorry... for how I behaved towards you today", he was clearly not used to apologizing, but Yui accepted it anyway.

"OK, I accept your apology, Ayato", Yui held her hand out to him, which he took and shook gently.

"You Know, I've been doing some thinking", Yui began, catching Ayato's attention again, "I know that you're a vampire, and as such you have special requirements. So I want to make a deal with you".

"A deal?" Ayato was confused.

"I.... am willing to give you some of my blood, but only if you ask nicely and accept my refusal if I feel like I can't give you any". Yui knew that Ayato, and all of the Sakamaki brothers for that matter, could not help their craving for fresh human blood. It was a matter of survival for them.

'If I am going to be stuck here acting as a living, walking blood bag for a family of thirsty vampires, then I'd rather have some say in how I am treated', she had thought, 'maybe if I act submissive, they'll see me as an easier target and leave Haru alone'.

Ayato's eyes widened in shock. She was actually offering to give him blood!? This was a new situation for him, normally people would scream and beg not to be bitten, but this tiny human girl was willing!? He didn't know how to react. But he was starving.

"Then, Ore-same would like some right now....... Please?" he added the last part in a quiet voice while looking away. Yui almost giggled, it was kind of cute, she had to admit.

"Ok, but please be gentle? And try not to take too much."

Ayato nodded and Yui let him into her room. Yui steeled herself and rolled up her sleeve, offering her wrist to the red-headed vampire, who was licking his lips in anticipation. She had no illusions; she knew that this would most likely hurt a lot.

Ayato gripped her wrist firmly, and sank his teeth into her skin. It hurt like a bitch!


Ayato moaned and drank greedily. It was ......... Divine! Sweet, thick, refreshing. Better than any takoyaki he'd ever had. He couldn't stop himself, he had to have more, More, MORE!

Distantly he heard the girl asking him to stop. And then he felt a hand weakly try to push him away, then go limb. It was only then that he registered what had happened. The girl had fainted from exhaustion and anaemia. Ayato felt guilty. She had trusted him to stop, but he hadn't been able to control himself. Picking the frail looking girl up, he placed her into her bed and wrote an apology letter, he wasn't good at apologizing, but he would make an effort....... Just this once though! He wasn't a pushover after all.

With that, Ayato shut off the lights and left the girl's bedroom, full and satisfied.


Author's note: I know, slightly OCC Ayato. I know  promised spice last chapter (I mean this chapter kinda works) but hopefully this chapter will satisfy you guys until I can get my shit together. 

Ok everyone, stay safe. Remember to keep your promises (unless its life threatening)   

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