Chapter Four

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Missy Maria started hyperventilating and suddenly pulled a disgustingly pink rosery and held it out in front of her as if it would shield her. Haru and Yui both groaned and hid their faces in embarrassment.

"I'm so sorry, she's an idiot", Haru apologized. Reiji sighed for what felt like the hundredth time.

"Not your fault I guess", he waved the apology away.

Laito and Ayato doubled over laughing, even Subaru was smirking.

"You can't be serious Little Bitch!", Laito wiped tears from his eyes.

"This is ridiculous! Honestly, did you really believe in such fairytales!? Just goes to show how foolish and arrogant mortals are. I'm angry now." Reiji fumed.

"So I'm guessing garlic and sunshine doesn't work either?" Haru grinned, trying to defuse the situation with a joke.

Reiji just gave him a cold look while Laito started laughing again.

"Sorry, but no!" He chuckled, wrapping an arm around Haru's shoulders.

Maria turned around and started running away screeching again.

"And you wondered why we call her a banshee?", Yui deadpanned.

"No, I knew pretty much straight away", Ayato sniggered.

The banshee didn't get far before she let out a pathetic yelp and fainted from shock. Everyone just sweat dropped.


After Reiji had Laito take Maria to her room, he led Haru and Yui back into the living room and sat them down again.

"Now, let me clear some things up. We are vampires of the Sakamaki family. Pureblood children of the vampire king himself. My name is Reiji, the second eldest son". He adjusted his glasses again.

"That man over there is Shu, the eldest", he gestured to the blonde guy sleeping on the couch.

"Then there are the triplets. Ayato......"

"Call me Ore-sama! I'll be your first everything pancake", he addressed only Yui, which Haru found rude but otherwise didn't comment.

"Kanato", Reiji continued.

"Please let me sample you sometime", Purple-haired zombie kid also addressed Yui only.

"And Laito"

"Pleasure to meet you cutie, Joker", Fedora guy smiled at them creepily.

"And the last son is Subaru", Reiji finished pointing to the youngest.

"This is a waste of time", Subaru grumbled.

'Someone has anger issues', Haru observed.

"OK. Well my name is Yui; this is my older brother Haru. We'll be in your care from now on", Haru looked at his little sister in surprise. Why was she being so meek?

"Excellent", Reiji announced, "I will now enlighten you to your expectations, I will also inform your...... acquaintance as well if you'd please", he was careful to refrain from using the word sister or friend, as they obviously didn't like each other. Haru and Yui just nodded their understanding.

"You will be given a room each, you will be expected to keep it clean. You will join us for meals. You will also be enrolled into night school with the rest of us".

Haru and Yui perked up at this. They had been home-schooled all their lives and had always wondered what it would be like to go to a real school.

"You will be expected to cater for our....... Special diet......"

"Ugh", interrupted Ayato, "What the old man means is that you will let us bite you whenever we want!".

Yui managed to keep herself from shivering, Haru didn't, causing the triplets to smirk evilly.

Reiji cleared his throat and adjusted his glasses again.

"You will follow the rules we have set down for you. Any violation of the rules will result in punishment. Do I make myself clear?"

"Crystal", Haru managed to squeeze out. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't scared shitless.

"Perfectly clear", Yui stated simply. Haru was amazed at his sister's ability to, at least outwardly, remain calm.

"Good", Reiji hummed contentedly, "Ayato, would you show the young lady to her room", it was a command, not a request.

"Sure", came the simple reply.

"You will follow me", Reiji spoke directly to Haru. Haru just nodded and followed the tall vampire meekly. Yui gave him one last look before they went their separate ways.

Haru followed the man in silence until they stopped in front of a door, which Reiji opened and ushered Haru inside first. 

Once again, Haru's jaw dropped. The room was huge! A four-posted, king sized bed was at the centre, the sheets and curtains were light blue in color. The wooden bedframe and furniture were all a lovely shade of mahogany. A huge, walk in closet was built into one wall, and a large, beautifully carved desk was pressed up against another. Not to mention the adjoining bathroom, which was the most luxurious thing Haru had ever seen.

"Is this room acceptable?", Reiji asked tersely, "If not I can find another one".

"Oh no! This is great! I've actually never had one before."

"Had what? A room to yourself?"

"A bed! At the church, we all slept on futons on the floor. Except for Maria, she got her own room.", Haru breathed, amazed that this grand room was all his.

Reiji was silent for a moment, as if contemplating what to say next.

"Well......... you have one now", he said simply.With that he turned around and walked out of the room, "one of us will come tofetch you for dinner, until then...... make yourself at home", and with that heleft Haru, standing alone in the middle of his new room.


Author's notes: Poor Haru, he hasn't had the best start in life, hopefully It'll get better.

Stay safe, be nice to those less fortunate then yourselves.

(HAITUS) Well this Sucks (diabolik lovers x male oc)Where stories live. Discover now