Chapter 1: New Video Game Race - Too Slow

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Gwen woke up in a tiny wooden shack, with holes in the roof, a dirt floor with weeds growing out of it, and a tiny wooden stool in the corner. Gwen looked around, before spotting a door with a tiny window, which she opened. Gwen took a couple of steps outside and looked around. She knew she should panic, cry, or do something. But she felt strangely calm. She took off her sweater, as the heat was blistering, but when she turned back, the shack was completely gone.

A blast of burning hot air had hit Gwen when she swung open the door. The door brought Gwen to a desert, by herself, golden desert sand spread for miles with the only other things to see were sand dunes, some sticks, rocks and and of course, some skulls.

Notice! The class system will be unlocked once you have reached LV.10

Notice! Choose a Race. Pick from this list:

Forest Elf
Ice Elf

Gwen looked carefully at the options, she didn't want to choose one that would make her task more difficult after all, like if one of them was weak towards heat. As she kept on scrolling and scrolling, one minute had passed, then two, then five, then ten.

Choose a race in 5,

Gwen was surprised there was a time limit and started quickly reading and scrolling down the long list of races.


She didn't see any races that appealed to her but she had to choose one, and soon.



Gwen was now scrolling so fast it looked as if her hand wasn't there, but still nothing.


She had found one, but just when she was about to click it, she had run out of time.


Notice! You were too slow to choose a race... nobody in the *istory of ever, has failed to choos% a race on time but !@uckily, you still get one, it's just that we choose for you, your welcome for the hel!^.

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