Chapter 5: New Job In a New World - Punt those Pests away from my Petals!

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As they were walking by, they got a few weird stares from the locals because of their clothing, but besides that, no one paid too much attention to them.

"Do you know where we are?" asked Dan.
"We're in a place called Skyre," replied Amy calmly.
"No I mean like, where, which country?"
"We're not in any country, Dan, didn't you read the screen this morning?"
"Nope, I've been sleeping, got drunk, woke up on the ground two minutes ago, and got yelled at by some gardener guy with a hoe for sleeping on her crops or something," his voice slurred.
"WHAT? We were going to have a test, I realize your birthday just passed, but you shouldn't be-! Ok, you know what, nevermind... So, we're in a new world called Adonis and there's a murderer that could be any of us and if we don't find and execute the murderer we die." Amy hurriedly stated.
"Dam, that's some new info so... should we get some food or what?"
"Are you stupid or something!?" Amy yelled which brought some attention to them. "You don't believe me do you, Dan?"
"I mean, which one of us is going to just start going on a rampage and start killing all of us."
"Listen, we each received a role that we must follow unless we want to die."

Now, people were really starting to look at them, some people stayed and watched until Amy shooed them away which brought some annoyance to the locals, but other people thought they were just some crazy people and continued walking.

"Alright but like, I'm still hungry," He said, "I haven't eaten breakfast,"

"Ok- well- fine, we'll get some food and then we'll see what we do from there." she said finally giving in.
"It's great that you agree we should get food and all, but, I don't have any money on me, do you?"
"Hmm, I don't but maybe we could try asking some shopkeepers for a job or something," Amy said. Seeing that this was a world where things like quests were real, Dan agreed and they set off to a little flower shop with a big red HIRING poster, just left of the bar, in which they were talking beside.

"So," said a gruff voice, "Yeh wanna job?" The woman with a long scar starting on her right eye and ending on her lip, making her face look disfigured.
"Yes, ma'am," Amy said respectfully.
"Well, ah don' really need much help with the shop, but instead o' that ah can give you a quest, how's tha', I'll give yeh some coin?"
"What kind of quest?" asked Dan, eager to be able to earn some money.
" A simple one really', so darn these goblins 'ave been completleh an' utterly destroyin' mah flowers, not very good fer business yeh know?" Ava nodded.
"So ur job is ter get rid o' 'em, there should be 'round five er six."
"Alright," said Dan. "we accept your quest!"
"'Right then, gud luck."

Notice! You have been granted a quest: Punt those Pests away from my Petals!
Description: NPC, Laura (LV.12) has given you a quest!
Kill or get rid of, preferably kill, the goblins destroying Laura's flowers.

Difficulty: Easy
Reward:+100 (RP) with Laura, 5 coin
Failure: -50 (RP)
(RP= reputation points)

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