Chapter 8: Slime Space - With Girls

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Ellen and Ava, two girls with high, high self esteem. Ellen had a black tank top with a pink skull on it, she wore navy blue ripped jeans, and a jean jacket, meanwhile, Ava was wearing an long sleeve tank top with a flannel skirt, long striped sock and thick boots (alt style). 

They had walked into a vast field with different colored jello-looking creatures. They appeared right beside each other as that was where they were when they melted into the ground, they were having a bit of a party last night so rather than being on the other side of the field they were together. The jello-creatures' color varied between red, green, blue and white and naturally, they stayed away because they had never seen it before and thought it was dangerous but were proved right when Ellen accidentally went too close to a red jello creature and a fireball materialized from its mouth.

A high-pitched scream escaped Ava's lips as the fireball came whirling towards them. Without thinking, she threw herself towards Ellen, to push her out of the way, just in time as the fireball exploded as soon as it was where they were before they moved out of the way, but the jello creature wouldn't stop, it kept on hurling fireballs at them, it even made a ring of fire around it once.

Notice! You have spawned in Slime Space. Difficulty: Easy

Description: This is the Slime Space. It is a field where noobies, like you can train as there are level 1 slimes. And do me a favor, kill as many as you can for me.

So, after reading the prompt that had shown up before her Ava had to do the smart thing, which was to grab Ellen and run away, but even then, the jello creature would not stop following them, it seemed like it had locked on target and wouldn't let go. They couldn't outrun it so the flight was out of the option, the only thing they could do now was to fight. Which was a pity they didn't do it earlier, and instead of getting second-degree burns, Ava would instead, just punt it as hard as she could and it would've died.

"Well," Ava gasped for air. "That was easier than I thought it would be."

"Yea," said Ellen. "I haven't gotten that much exercise since middle school track and field."

Notice! You have killed a Fire Slime (LV1)

Notice! For killing an enemy above your level, you have gained (+1 Strength)

Notice! You have been rewarded 5 gold for killing an enemy

Notice! You have gained 60 EXP

"What's this?" Ellen said as she stuck her hand through the screen

"It's the same type of screen when it told us about the game."

"Oh," the realization dawned on her. "How do you know that?"

"I kind of just figured it out when it told us where we were, you know, assuming you also got that notification."

"Oh, it said I'd gained EXP. Is it like those games you always play and that you won't shut up about?"

"Yup," Ellen said, proudly.

Ava looked around for a weapon, like a stick or something until all of a sudden.

Notice! Choose a Race. Pick from this list:


Forest Elf

Winter Elf

Ice Elf









"Oh, my god." said Ava. "Ohmygodwecanchangeourracethisisamazing!"

Ellen blinked twice in quick succession "I'm sorry, what?"

"I said, Oh my god we can change our race, this is amazing!"

"Oh that is pretty cool I guess"

"It's like building an avatar in my game, it's always so fun! Anyways, enough talking."

They scrolled the list for about 7 minutes when they both at the exact same time, said:

"Oh! Should I be the-" They didn't get to finish, they were attacked be a whole wave of slimes, they both knew they would have a better chance at fighting them once they had gotten their class, they quickly chose their class and began to fight.

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