Chapter 13: Shrine Skyberries

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Ella stepped back only to be met with a tree trunk, scared she tried running away but she stumbled over a tree root and fell backwards almost hitting her head on yet another tree trunk, she tried crawling away, but she was far too slow to be able to crawl away.

"S-stay away!" Ella shouted.

A goblin stepped forward, it looked almost identical to the others, but it was slightly bigger and looked to be the leader of the rest of the goblins. As the chief goblin stepped forward again, the smaller ones parted to make was for their leader. The chief goblin was bigger but still wasn't quite as tall as an avrage human, but Ella being on the floor, looked down, and said

"Yuu kanott taik ze baiires, zey aar foor ze suon goad." Ella tilted her head she had not understood a single world he had said.

Ella was confused on why the monsters were trying to talk to her, so she just talk back to them.

I'm sorry," Ella said as polite as she could. "I don't understand."

The chief had turned around and yelled to his subordinates

"Gort, Geit ze skrrol ov trenzlasoin!" after he had finished speaking, one of the smaller goblins stepped out from the crowd, rummaged through his little fanny pack and pulled out a roll of paper, he then got on one knee and using both hands, gingerly handed it to the chief. He then turned back around and handed it to Ella. She was intreuged that they wern't just fighting her, but instead giving something to her, but she didn't complain, Ella saw what the little goblin did to the chief, so Ella, not wanting to have a reason for her to fight, got on one knee, and took the scroll with both hands. She got up and looked at the chief, he motioned to unroll it, but before she could a screen popped up.

Scroll of Traslation
Description: The Scroll of Translation is a scroll that translates almost 900 languages so that you can understand and speak and read the language, its range is from different human languages to different monsters languages. But to be honest, you should have figured that out by now, just look at the name binbo.



Ella pressed yes, the letters from the scroll had started to dance, they then off the long sheet of paper and flew streight into her forehead, knowlage different languages flodded her mind she learned 900 languages in the span of a few seconds, it felt amazing, but it also gave her a massive headache, after all letters and entered her mind, the scroll started to cumble into dust. She opened her eyes, and looked in front of her, her head then shifted slightly down, in order to see the goblin chief, he opened his mouth to speak.

"Did it work?" he asked in a surprisingly high pitched voice.

"Umm, yea, it worked"

"Good, so, to the matter at hand, one of the members of my clan, had told me you were taking our skyberries."

"Yea, i got lost in this forest and i needed food, so i just assumed i could take these." Ella explaned with a pang of guilt in her voice.

"An honest mistake, but i'm afraid you took these skyberries next to the shrine, those are extremely rare berries, planted there by our clan 400 years ago by my great great grandfather as an offering to Solaris, the Sun God."

"Oh! I'm so sorry, I didn't know." Ella nervously twiddled with her fingers but still careful not to drop any of the skyberries.

"That's quite alright, just make sure not to do it to any other shrine, because each are owned by different clans and spiecies and most aren't as kind as us. Our previous leader, was sick of everyone trying to kill everyone that wasn't a part of out clan, so he told us to be kinder next time we see other people."

"Alright, thank you for the warning."

"No problem, but, seeing as you did take the berries from our shrine, could you do us a favor?"

"Of course!"

"Could you come to our camp with the skyberries and help our chef, Old Gaba with cooking something? She not the greatest, but we're running a bit low on food." the chief asked.

"That's not a problem for me I can come over right now if you'd like!" Ella wasn't too bright, so she didn't think much of it and agreed. besides one of Ella's favoirite pastimes other then studying nature and animals, was cooking and baking, so she was thrilled to be able to work with otherworldly ingredients.

"Alright then, follow me," the chief said. "Oh, I never caught your name, my name's Golive"

"My name's Ella. Nice to meet you?" once she had fnished speaking, her second message had finally showed up.

Notice! The class system will be unlocked once you have reached LV.10

Notice! Choose a Race. Pick from this list:

Forest Elf
Winter Elf
Ice Elf

"Wait what? Is that even possible?" Ella said, with a confused expression on her face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2023 ⏰

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