Chapter 9: Bright Beach - Difficulty: Medium

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Jake had also spawned by himself, but it was at a beach, the weather was very nice but the wind shoved his hair straight onto his face, he looked into the water and saw some small fish swimming without a care in the world.

"Oh, well at least I won't have to worry too much about food, I mean if I can make myself a fishing rod," he said to himself, the blue screen showed itself again, this time it read.

Notice! You have spawned in the Bright Beach. Difficulty: Medium

Jake frowned, he had already figured out what the screen was but he wasn't sure what to do, he waved his hand, and the screen disappeared.

What should I do, He thought. Should I fish?

Notice! You have been granted a quest: Fishing Fiesta!

Description: You have received a quest!

Fish for 10 fish to eat.

Difficulty: Easy

Reward: 5 coin, the [Fisherman] skill, and 15 EXP

Failure: No food, no coin, no skill and no EXP

Jake waved the screen away, "Welp, guess I got to do that now, but first, I need a fishing rod, now how do I do tha-"

Notice! You have been granted a minor chain quest: Fishing Rod Recipe!

Description: you have received a minor chain quest!

Get the materials in order to craft a fishing rod: 2 sticks, 3 vines, 1 metal ore.

Difficulty: Easy

Reward: fishing rod

Failure: no fishing rod

"Alright, that shouldn't be too hard right?" He said to himself, and started walking away from the shore and into the dense forest behind.

He had found the sticks and vines pretty quickly but he still couldn't find any metal ore whatsoever, he looked everywhere he could until his hands were completely brown from digging in the dirt, he still didn't give up though, needed that fishing rod weather it was for the quest or for later when he needed food. Jake had gone up to a mound and used a rock to dig in it, only to hit something hard within a couple of minutes. Jake reached his arm into the little mine and pulled out a little metal ore, he had found it. But he wasn't done yet, oh no no no, he never wanted to go through the pain of not being able to find the ore ever again, so he kept on digging, he had lost track of time and dug for an hour he had gotten 83 pieces of different kinds of ore, like copper, iron, metal, and even a couple pieces of gold.

Jake had opened up his inventory and saw a 2 by 2 section on the top right corner of his inventory, he immediately thought of Minecraft, but this wasn't Minecraft, so he just put all of the "ingredients' ' in the slots and it magically turned into a fishing rod. He was so glad to have finally gotten that over with, it had taken him a whole day just to find that ore. The sun was setting, Jake noticed, he wondered if anything changed during the nighttime. If you know anything about video games, you should know that if a place has a peaceful daytime it would be your worst nightmare at night.

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