Chapter 11: Fishing Rod Recipe

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Jake's eyebrows then furrowed, he wasn't sure what to change it to. Jake did spme critical thinking and realized that he should choose a water-based race, he was going to get the fisherman race anyway. So he scrolled and scrolled until he found the perfect water race:

Race: Hydra

Whatever idea you had of a hydra is probably correct, three heads, slimy skin, super regeneration skills and as you see on the ground, you have a trident usually they don't wield tridents, but seeing as you are a human, we've made an exception. Hydra's are generally peaceful, but if ships that pollute their turf start polluting, that ship is going to get yeeted onto the land, but, if it's just a regular rowboat and you're just fishing, they might even help gather the fish, they've got nothing against humans but they like to keep their turf clean. You also can't stay too long outside of water, so, good luck!

After all the scrolling, Jake's hand ached with numb pain. After a few seconds, his body started to change as well. Jake's skin had turned slimy with scales and it was now a light aqua blue, his eyes had turned completely solid black and his fingers and toes had all become webbed, but the most noticeable thing was that he now had three identical heads and he noticed something appeared out of the ground. A trident.

"Jeez, I don't think I've ever scrolled so far in my life, and I have TokTik." Jake's eyebrows furrowed once more as he tried to remember what he was doing before the Holve incident.

"Right, the fishing stuff," Jake pulled up the fishing quest, but just before he could, a new notification popped up.

Notice! You have completed: Fishing Rod Recipe

Description: Get the materials in order to craft a fishing rod: 2 sticks, 3 vines, 1 metal ore.

Difficulty: Easy

Reward: fishing rod

Failure: no fishing rod

Status: Complete!

Jake quickly flicked his wrist in order to get rid of the screen, and started walking back to all of his fishing equipment, before yet again, hearing a growl.

"Right," he looked around him, everything was still dark. "My night's not quite over yet"

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