Chapter 3: The Minor Inconvenience - Desertarantula

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Gwen suddenly felt a deep sense of foreboding. She suddenly swivelled to the right and marched towards one of the many sand dunes to get a better view of her surroundings. Strangely, she knew where the other six of her victims were. She didn't feel any remorse in thinking about her friends as victims, but that's all they were to her now. An invisible tug told her the general direction of the closest person to her. But before she set off, she heard a skittering noise behind her and turned around to see a spider. Gwen shook for a moment, paralyzed with fear before the same mysterious force erased the fear. She gripped her stick like a baseball bat and swung.

CRACK! The spider's chitinous shell caved in and blue blood splattered all over Gwen. Using her forearm to wipe some off her face, another notification blocked her vision.

Notice! You have inflicted 12 damage
You probably would have gotten more damage if you had checked your skills moron.

But the spider was not yet dead, it was still moving around, Gwen shuddered. She wacked it again repeatedly until it didn't move anymore.

Notice! You have inflicted 13 damage (X2)
Notice! You have inflicted 14 damage (X2)
Notice! You have killed a Deserturantula (LV.5)
Notice! For killing an enemy above your level, you have gained (+1 Strength)
Notice! You have been rewarded 10 gold for killing an enemy
Notice! You gained 113 EXP
Notice! You have leveled up.

As soon as she got the last message she felt a feeling of warmth spreading through her body, she felt better than ever before, she felt good. Levelling up felt euphoric, as if she could do anything before the feeling quickly receded.

"Woah, that felt amazin- Wait a second," She thought to herself, looking at the notifications, "... you're really going to do this to me, huh, ok then."

"Stats? Statistics? Status?"

Name: Gwen LV:1 (13%)
Health: 10/10
Mana: 10/10
Essence: N/A
Titles: N/A

Agility: 0
Vitality: 0
Strength: 1
Perception: 0
Intelligence: 0
Endurance: 0
Charisma: 0
Wisdom: 0
Luck: 0
You have 3 unused stat points

Gwen looked at her stat sheet, weighing her options, but looking far off into the sandy expanse, she deduced she would have to trudge on for some time.

for some time, so she put two points in endurance and one in charisma, as the spiders weren't hard to kill and there wasn't any need for the other stats at the moment. Feeling the tug again, but more insistent, she set off at a jog, her new endurance stat bringing noticeable changes to her body.

She wanted to change what the messages looked like in order to be able to fight without being distracted by some floating screens, so she said a few more random things that were related to World of Warcraft.

"Umm, let's see here, uh, Sensitivity? No, that should be in settings."

Notifications off while fighting: Off
Damage notifications off while fighting: Off
Level up notifications off while fighting: Off
EXP notifications off while fighting: Off
All notifications off while fighting:Off

She turned on: Notifications off while fighting and continued forward.

Gwen walked for about another two hours, in which, she found, and killed seventeen more spiders, a few of them had dropped some round orbs the size of a thumb nail.

Essence of the Deserturantula
Description: An essence is essentually what makes a monster a monster, in this case, it's a Deserturantula, you will be able to take one of three skills shown below aswell as gain the stat below, the essences that you absorb will affect your class options once unlocked.

+5 Agility

Razor Legs
Poison Touch

She decided to pick poison touch so she wouldn't have to worry too much about when the sun fell and the spiders tried to kill her in her sleep.

She gained a few more levels, she experimented with the screens, saying random things from her games and found out that she could access an inventory which she could put and take things from it, the first time she looked at it there was a piece of paper inside the inventory, she took it out and read it, it read "!( ! @@ % !# % !( ! @@ % @! !( " she didn't think much of it and shoved it back into her inventory.

"The hell is this?," She said, looking around.

"Wait, what did it tell me to do?" as she scrolled up in her notifications. "Oh, that's right, check my skills."


Night vision

"Well, those are some basic attacks," as she waved the screen aside.

Her stomach rumbled. She looked around, there was nothing, nothing but spiders.

"Oh, Crap."

by the way, the symbols are something you can actually decode if you want to.

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