Chapter 10: Jake's Nighttime Nightmare

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The sun slowly set below the horizon making a beautiful red sunset, Jake watched the sunset, mesmerized by its colors, but quickly snapping out of it when he heard a growl behind him. He snapped his head back to see a nasty looking wolf looking creature, it had the body of a wolf but its head looked like that of a hyena. He broke out into a cold sweat, his fight or flight senses activated and he started running, he left all of his fishing equipment behind, knowing he could find it later. The only thing he took with him was a spear he had crafted if the fishing rod had broken somehow.

Jake ran straight for the forest, hoping he could lose it there.

He did not.

Instead, he would climb a tree and poke the spear into the wolf-hyena monster until it went limp, the monster may have been scary, but it definitely wasn't smart.

Notice! You have inflicted 15 damage (X4)

Notice! You have killed a Holve (LV.4)

Notice! For killing an enemy above your level, you have gained (+1 Strength)

Notice! You have been rewarded 10 gold for killing an enemy

Notice! You gained 107 EXP

Notice! You have leveled up.

"Wait a minute," Jake said. "What was it again? Umm, stat, no, that's not it, uhh, heath bar, no, um, status?"

Name: Jake LV:1 (7%)

Health: 10/10

Mana: 10/10



Agility: 0

Vitality: 0

Strength: 1

Perception: 0

Intelligence: 0

Endurance: 0

Charisma: 0

Wisdom: 0

Luck: 0

You have 3 unused stat points

"Yes!... Wait," he said to himself. "What are stat points again? Dan told me all about how to play this game, uh... Oh! Right, they make your stats go up, can't believe I forgot."

Jake thought hard on which stat to put his points in, all his thoughts slowly remembering what Dan had told him. He put 2 points in Agility and his last into Endurance, seeing as he'd have to be running from those monsters all the time.

"If only there was something that could make this easier." He thought, as if someone heard him, a new message popped up.

Notice! Choose a Race. Pick from this list:


Forest Elf

Winter Elf

Ice Elf









"Wait, you can change that?"

A/N: Sorry for the shorter chapter, I haven't had that much time to write recently.

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