Chapter 2: Desert Of The Dead - Difficulty: Hard

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Notice! You have been given the race: NightCrawler

Gwen read the notification. It seemed like a computer's AI was malfunctioning, the message had computer symbols in words. She thought that she might have skrewed the system up, but the other message was fine so she didn't think too hard about it.
Am I in some sort of virtual reality? She thought, expecting no response, but something spoke back in a language she didn't understand.

!( ! @@ %   !# %   !( ! @@ %   @! !(

"What the hell was that!" she yelled, vigorously shaking her head thinking it would get rid of the voice.

With the voice in her head, and the screen malfunctioning, Gwen had only now just realized the race it had chosen for her.

"NightCrawler? What kind of race is that?" her questions were soon answered when her body started to change. She grew taller, her back hunched, her arms and legs extended, her skin had turned into a dark shade of gray, she didn't have any facial features, as if someone put a sock on her head and she had long, black, straight hair.

A notification popped up on an icon in the shape of an envelope on the bottom right of her vision, she clicked on it and a message showed up:

Notice! NightCrawler.
Description: A NightCrawler is a dark elemental creature, this race specializes in dark magic, its primary stats are constitution, intelligence and wisdom, and it's best if you put a lot of your points in charisma too, so you don't look like a spider on crack, because if you don't have at least like, I don't know, 50 in charisma no one will ever like you, be friends with you, love you, you get the point. You don't need to know the history of this race, people just think they're scary, that's all you need to know, except that you get an unfriendly Reputation with all human settlements. Oh, and did I mention you're weak toward heat :)? You are now weak to all fire or light-type monsters, enjoy.

"Goddamit," Gwen muttered. She swore the screen was being snarky, as if someone had typed it themselves.

Notice! You have spawned in the Desert of the Dead. Difficulty: Hard
Description: it's a desert that nobody has ever escaped from, doesn't that explain the skulls everywhere? And lucky you, you get spawned dead center of it, good luck getting out, you don't even have water, and you should have been more grateful for your race.

"Oh great," she thought, "just what I needed. This is going to suck."

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