Chapter 4

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Next Morning.

I woke up with a headache. I got my phone and saw that I had a miss calls from Keana and texts messages asking me how it went and if early tickets is necessary. I replied back and I told her yes and I'll explain when we're over there. I sit up and I noticed Nick was sleeping on the couch in my room. I just let him there and changed my plane ticket and I leave in 3 hours. I quietly took my suitcase outside my room and took a quick shower in the guest room.

An hour later.

I changed into something comfy and went downstairs quietly. I saw my parents and Nick's family outside in the backyard. I ordered an Uber and went to go say my goodbyes.

Y/N: alright guys I'm off
Y/M: what? You just got here last night
Y/N: i know but my coach informed me we have to be there in a few hours and plus after what happened last night I don't want to be here anymore
Mía: well let me take you to the airport
Y/N: no it's okay my Uber just got here
*you hug her*
Y/D: please let us know when you arrived
*he hugs you*
Y/N: i will
N/M: and please update us
*she hugs you*
N/D: even if you ended things with him, you're still family
Y/N: aww thank you
*you guys hugged*
Chris: I'll slap him for hurting you
*you giggled as you guys hugged*
Rob: we'll miss you even he will
*he hugs you*
Y/N: I'll come visit whenever I can oh Can one of you guys give this to him
*you placed Nick's gift on the table*
All: we will
Y/N: alright I'll see you guys later bye

I walked away as I heard them say bye. I was about to walk out the front door when I stopped to see if he would come down and talk to me but seconds happened and nothing. I opened the door and took a step out when I heard footsteps coming down.

Nick: Y/N!
*you walked towards the car & driver helps you put your suitcase in*
Y/N: give me 5 minutes
Driver: of course
*driver gets in*
Y/N: what Nick?
Nick: where you going?
Y/N: i have to go early to the UK
Nick: why?
Y/N: because i have to Nick
Nick: you have to or you want to?
Y/N: i don't want to this right now
Nick: I'm sorry okay I'm sorry
*you saw a tear happen as he gets closer*
Nick: I can't lose you Y/N I love you with everything I have please don't leave
*he grabs your hand*
Y/N: I can't lose you either Nick I love you with all the energy in this world but you're with other girls
Nick: but I want to be with you and only you ma
Y/N: I do too but not like this
*you grabbed his face*
Y/N: I'll miss you and maybe in the future we'll be together again
Nick: no please don't do this
*you kissed him & you guys hugged*
Y/N: goodbye Nick and happy birthday

I kissed his cheek and got in the car. As the car pulled out of the driveway, I heard Nick yelling and I broke down. I hated this feeling and I thought being with Nick I would never get this feeling but I guess I was wrong.

3 years later.

It's been 3 years since I broke up with Nicholas Carter Mara. My family keeps telling me "Nick hasn't been the same""you should talk to Nick""you guys are suppose to be with each other""he keeps asking about you". I blocked him on all social media so I don't know what's going on with him. I changed my number. I did give my number to my family and his.

Anyways, we had the finals for the competition just a month from when we came and we won! Keana and I decided to stay here for a week after the competition but I love being here so I decided to move here. My family was okay with me moving here as long as im still going to school. Im still doing online school but not the one in Chicago. I've been living in the UK for almost the 3 years and I only met two amazing guys.

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