Chapter 14

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We got to the car and I put my suitcase in the trunk. Anderson texted us saying she's here. We started to walk inside. As we were getting closer, I saw Andy recording her reaction as well as everyone around her.

Everyone: happy birthday Franny!
Franny: aww thank you guys
Everyone: speech speech speech!
*she stands up as you stand behind her & you signal everyone to stay quiet*
Franny: I just want to say thank you to each and every single one of you for making this birthday special and I'm proud to be able to call you guys family also want to thank Andy and Harri where ever he went for coming out from the UK to be here with me
Y/N: hey what about me?
*she turns around & hugs you*
Franny: Y/N!
Y/N: Franny!
Franny: why are you doing here?
*she pulls away & cuffs your face*
Y/N: well I came to surprise you of course
Franny: well I'm surprised
*she hugs you again*
Franny: let me introduce you to everyone
*you all face everyone & starts introducing you to everyone*
Y/N: well besides JC, Oscar, Will, Dyl, Brian and Crawford it's so nice to meet everyone
*you sit next to Franny*
Franny: so long are you here for?
Y/N: today and I leave tomorrow
Franny: what?! Why?
Y/N: well I was gonna stay for 4 days but school got in competitions and if I'm not there on the 29 me and my two girls get disqualified
Oscar: what's the competition?
Y/N: to be a back up dancer for a band called PRETTYMUCH
Nezza: no way you're a dancer?
*you nod*
Nezza: me too we should do a dance together
Y/N: I would love that
Chelsey: beside being a dancer what else do you do?
Y/N: oh uhm I'm a bartender and a YouTuber
Harrison: she also sings
AnnMarie: do you have any songs?
Y/N: oh no I was working on some but things happened and I just stopped
Dylan: can we hear it?
Y/N: I would but I don't ha-
*Andy plays your song*
Franny: I heard this one I was helping you produce it before I moved to LA
Y/N: thanks Andy but yeah it is
JC: it's so good you should work on it again and release it
Anderson: that's what we told her but she doesn't want to
Y/N: it's not that I don't want to it's just with competitions and stuff happening I just don't have time
Kian: well when you're on the road for this band you can work on it
Brian: and when you do you come back to LA, we'll throw you a release party
Y/N: thank you guys but I could never let you guys throw me a party when I'm barely meeting you guys
Devonte: they love to party so any thing that can be celebrated we're throwing a party

They all agreed with him and we started to talk amongst each other. After a while, the server brought a cake and we all started singing her "happy birthday"

30 minutes later.

We decided to head back to what they call C4 house. Apparently they're throwing her a surprise birthday party for her and a guy name Christian. I texted Nick if he and the guys wanted to come and join but they're still working on the songs. They might come later but who knows. After a while, Franny, Harrison, Anderson and myself went to the liquor store to get more drinks and also to distract Franny a bit while the rest of them get ready.

Franny: where have you been hiding?
Y/N: well I was with Harri and Andy at the C4 house but then you came so I went with a friend
Harrison: and by friend she means an ex
Franny: what?
Y/N: it's not like we're getting back together
Anderson: well I mean you can't since you're dating Harris
Franny: what?! How come you guys didn't tell me?
Y/N: because we aren't dating
Franny: what do you mean?
Y/N: it's a long story
Franny: well you better start talking

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