Chapter 20

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A few hours later.

I wasn't drinking as much as everyone. I've been dancing with Y/N, the boys and everyone else. I felt my phone vibrate and saw that Kaeli messaged me.

Kaeli: I'm in your room
Nick: I'll be there in a sec
*he walks towards his room & closes the door*
Kaeli: what do you want to talk about?
Nick: this whole fake dating thing
Kaeli: what about it?
Nick: we have to end it I want to be with Y/N and only her we both don't like each other like that and I don't want to lie to everyone that we're in love because we're not...
*he kept going & going*
Kaeli: Nick-
Nick: I'll even talk to management...
Kaeli: NICK!
Nick: I'll even make sure no one sends hate to you
Kaeli: Nick I'm pregnant!
*he stops talking*
Nick: what?
Kaeli: I'm pregnant but don't worry it's not yours I wanted to tell you this a long time ago and I agree we should stop this
Nick: are you serious?
Kaeli: yes look I know how much you love Y/N and I want you to be happy and I know I was a bitch to everyone because I didn't want to take Y/N's spot i knew the boys and your friends would love her so I made sure everyone hated me
*he starts to laugh*
Nick: wow
*she stands up & hugs him*
Kaeli: you were an amazing fake boyfriend but now you have to be an incredible real boyfriend to Y/N
Nick: thank you but please don't lose contact I wanna be your babies uncle
Kaeli: of course I'll see you later my fiancé is waiting outside
Nick: oh wow congrats
*they hug again as you walked in*
Y/N: oh sorry I didn't mean to uhm I'll just go
Kaeli: no stay please

A month later.

We've been on tour for two weeks now. It's fucking amazing. Everything about it is perfect. Right now we're on our way to Texas for 3 days. Brandon said he's gonna show me and the girls around. There was two buses. One for the boys and the other for us girls. I wasn't in the mood to go out. I decided to stay behind to work on my song.

Two hours later.

I'm almost done with my song. Listening back to it makes me cry. I feel like keeping this song to myself but I don't know it's actually ready to be put out there. Imma have Brandon listen to it and have his input. I got up and went to clean up my tears. I went back out to see Nick by my laptop.

Y/N: oh Nick I didn't hear you come in
Nick: i miss hearing your beautiful voice singing
Y/N: it's not the best
*he looks at you*
Nick: oh come on ma...
*he grabs your hand & pulls you down to sit next to him*
Nick: remember we would have karaoke night...
*he puts his arm around your shoulder*
Nick: how everyone would clap and cheer talking about how good we were
Y/N: that was all you Nick
*you turns to face him*
Nick: you sang most of the parts
*he slowly leans in*
Nick: that was all for you
*you guys started to make out*
Nick: god I miss those lips of yours
*he gives you a kiss*
Y/N: so what did you think about the song?
Nick: I love it but when are you gonna release it?
Y/N: I don't know it's missing something
Nick: mind if I do something
Y/N: go for it
*he starts to work on it*
Nick: okay now listen to it
Y/N: alright
*you listen to it*
Y/N: it's perfect thank you Nick
*you hug him*
Nick: welcome now can I ask what motivated you to do this song?
Y/N: oh uhm I ha-
*the girls walked in*
Kaylen: B thank you for today
Ashley: it's a beautiful town
Brandon: thank you oh hey guys
Y/N: hey
Angelique: what are you guys doing?
Nick: listening to Y/N soon to be released song
Y/N: it's debatable
Kiana: can we finally listen to it?
*the rest of the boys come in*
Zion: yo what are y'all doing here?
Brandon: we're about to listen to Y/N soon to be released song
Edwin: since when do you sing?
Austin: what can't you do?
Y/N: apparently keeping this song on the low
Ashley: let's listen to it already

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