Chapter 19

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Nick's POV:

After my argument with Y/N, we all went to get food. I know I shouldn't have reacted the way I did. She's right to everyone I'm still in a relationship and I want it to be over. I haven't been hanging out with Kaeli because she's been away. Everyone ask why we're not together and I just say we've been busy but it's like they can see right through my lies.

I wasn't really hungry after my mess up with Y/N. I can tell that the boys noticed it. They were taking to the girls while I was just in my world just thinking about Y/N being with that guy from last night. When we finished, the guys wanted to get drinks to celebrate. I wasn't in the mood for that either but I went. The girls were trying to get a hold of Y/N to see if she wants to join in but no one seems to get a hold of her. The boys were saying she's probably still on that date but the girls said she probably just wondering around.

After a while, the girls sent her a message to let her know where we're heading. We went to a bar that was close by to us and started drinking and dancing. Just enjoying the night. I kept texting her all night but I didn't get responded. It's been an hour and none of us got nothing from her until the girls told us she's fine and she's at the hotel. I guess she's ignoring me.

Next Morning.

I woke up early to go get Y/N her favorite flowers and her Starbucks drink. I know she's gonna be practicing early. I got everything and headed over to the dance studio. In minutes, I finally arrived. I got down and went to the room. I went to the room and there she was.

*you turned off the music & went to go get water*
Nick: hey
*you didn't look at him*
Y/N: hi
*he walks closer to you*
Nick: you're here early
Y/N: yeah we'll you know me or according to you yesterday you don't so if you don't mind
*you turned on the music but he quickly turns it off*
Y/N: oh my god Nicholas!
Nick: did I really mess up since you're back to calling me Nicholas?
Y/N: yes you did now can I please do back to dancing?
Nick: look I just want to apologize so here
*you looked at him & saw what he had*
Nick: these are you these are your favorite things
*you grabbed them*
Y/N: you didn't have to do this it was just a stupid argument
Nick: I know it's just that I'm not use to seeing you with someone else and I'm scared I won't be able to win you back
Y/N: well I have to see you with someone else which I hate because of how much it hurts me
*he puts his hand on your waist*
Nick: I know and imma end it so...
*he pulls you closer*
Nick: me and you can work on us again

He started to kiss my forehead to my temple to my nose to my cheek. He wanted to place a kiss on my neck knowing that's my sensitive spot but I moved back. He moved to my lips but I put the flowers between us.

Y/N: no neck or lip kisses until you're actually a single guy
Nick: okay but do you forgive me?
Y/N: yeah but if you mess up again I swear to god Nicholas I will end you so quickly
Nick: I promise I won't now come on the girls stayed over and Zion wants me to bring breakfast

A few minutes later.

We arrived at the PRETTYMUCH household with breakfast. As we entered, we heard laughters and yelling. We followed the sound and they were all outside playing card games.

Everyone: Y/N!!!
*they all ran up to you & hug you*
Nick: well fuck me then
*you whisper*
Y/N: when you're actually single I'll do it
*you looked at everyone*
Y/N: imma go shower real quick if you guys don't mind
Boys: go ahead
Nick: I'll go with you
Y/N: it's okay I know my way
Nick: I need to get something from my room
Edwin: nasty

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