Chapter 22

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I noticed she wasn't in bed anymore. I checked the bathroom but no one was in there. I went to ask them if they seen her but they all said she should be in the nursery. Kaylen went to go check since she made a copy of the key but she came back and said she's not there.

Nick: where can she be?
Anderson: there's only one place she can be
Angelique: the bar
Kaylen: the cemetery
Harrison: the dance studio
Kiana: how about we separate? Some can go to the bar some to the cemetery and some to the studio
Nick: I'll go to the cemetery
Harrison: I'll take you
Anderson: I'll go with you guys

A few minutes later.

We tried calling her on the way over to the cemetery but no answer. I'm staring to become more worried. After a while, we finally got to the cemetery.

*Harrison parks the car*
Harrison: I think you should go talk to her alone
*he looks at Nick*
Nick: where is it?
Anderson: I'll take you
Harrison: no he should go alone we'll go after
*he pulls Andy back in*
Harrison: go straight take 2 turns and she'll be on the right and continue straight
Nick: thank you

I started to follow Harrison's directions. As I got closer, I saw her setting up new flowers and cleaning. I slowly started to get closer hearing her talking.

Y/N: I told your dad and he hasn't talked to me since I think he's mad at me
*you stop cleaning*
Y/N: I mean so am I I'm mad at myself for not being able to take care of you I put so much stress on myself I shouldn't have pushed myself to become better when I had you I should've listen to your uncles and aunts
*you start to tear up more*
Y/N: now I can't hold you hug you kiss you teach you how to dance like your dad and me and now I have to live with his hate and mine
*he sits next to you & puts his hand on your shoulder*
Nick: I don't hate you baby
*you look at him & quickly wiped the tears*
Y/N: Nick how di-
Nick: don't worry about it right now
*he pulls you in for a side hug*
Nick: I could never hate you Y/N I love you way too much to hate you
Y/N: Nick I hid the pregnancy and the passing of our baby
Nick: I know why you did it and I understand now I just needed to process everything but I don't hate you
*he lifts your chin to look at him & gives you a kiss*
Nick: you shouldn't hate yourself things happen for a reason and hey we can always create another baby Mara
Y/N: how did you know I call our baby baby Mara?
Nick: Kiana told me and I love how you think it's a boy
*you smile*
Y/N: I'm really sorry Nick I didn't tell you I was so excited to tell you I had everything planned an-
Nick: you don't need to apologize and I know how excited you were Kia told me everything
*you looked at him & smiled*
Y/N: thank you for not being mad at me
*you kissed his cheek*
Nick: I still need to know why you didn't tell me sooner but not right now let's just focus on being here
Y/N: you're right
*you start to clean again*
Y/N: hey baby this is your dad
Nick: hi baby

We stayed there talking to baby Mara. After a while, everyone came and we had a little picnic.

Your POV:

1 month later.

We wrapped up the boys' tour a couple days ago. I decided to stay behind a bit. Since that moment of telling Nick about baby Mara, I was thinking of moving back to the US but I'm not sure if I should move to NJ or LA. I've been looking at places here in LA and I found a place I still haven't told anyone about it. I do want to keep my home in the Uk but maybe have it as an Airbnb for tourist.

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