Chapter 12

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Nick's POV:
Everything was going fine. I knew she was gonna doubt me but I could tell I'm slowly winning her back. Kaeli and I planned on doing the breakup before I start the tour. So these past few days we act like we're "drifting" away but for now we have to show affection like be shown together at certain events or locations.

Nick: what are we doing today?
Kaeli: well I know for a fact someone is gonna record something for their socials so we have to be in the background so we got to dance
Nick: I just want to call it a night
Kaeli: you'll call it a night when we show up in someone's video
Nick: fine

She grabs my hand and we start walking to the dance floor. I tried to look for Y/N but I couldn't seem to find her. Since we saw everyone at the circle, we decided to be there. She stands in front of me and places my hand on her waist. We started to hype those who got in the circle until she pulled me in with her. In seconds, everyone was recording us and when the next couple came in, she kissed me.

Nick: imma go get a drink
Kaeli: I'll go with you
Nick: it's okay you just enjoy dancing
Kaeli: okay

I started to walk away while looking for Y/N and once again I couldn't find her. I got to the kitchen and I saw Edwin with Danielle.

Nick: hey have you guys seen Y/N?
Edwin: I think she went to the store with Zion and Brandon
Nick: for what?
Danielle: to get more drinks
Nick: the party is ending why would they get more?
Edwin: yeah but Y/N wanted to drink more so they went to go get more
Nick: okay
Danielle: I thought you guys were gonna end things
Nick: me and Kaeli?
*she nods*
Nick: we are but we still got to pop out from somewhere
Edwin: I think you should just end it since you're already gaining Y/N's trust
Nick: I know I was but then Kaeli came in and she left
Danielle: what a bitch
*Kaeli comes up them*
Kaeli: Edwin!
*she hugs him*
Edwin: hey Kaeli
Kaeli: Danielle!
*she hugs her*
Danielle: hi
Kaeli: Nick mind walking me to my car I think imma head home
Nick: yeah sure

We walked to the front of the house. She was saying bye to people she knew which wasn't a lot since a lot of them don't like her. I mean shes a nice person but the vibe she be giving to most people, mostly girls, just wasn't fitting with everyone else.

After a while, we got to her car and she was about to get in when a car pulled up. I hear the door open but I didn't get a chance to look who it was before Kaeli smashed her lips on mine. I pulled away instantly and I looked at Y/N looking at Zion and Brandon before walking inside.

Your POV:
When I went to go get a refill, I saw that there wasn't anymore which was obvious since everyone here was drinking. Im just gonna ask Nick if I can borrow his car so I can go get more. I slowly started walking towards his room but I realized I left my Id with the Webbs. I heard someone coming closer and I turned to see Brandon and Zion.

Brandon: hey Y/N
Y/N: hey guys
Zion: having fun at your first party with us?
Y/N: I am but it'll be more fun if there was more alcohol
*you hold up an empty bottle*
Brandon: what do you mean?
Zion: we bought a whole bunch
Y/N: well it's all gone I was gonna go get more but I don't have a car or my id
Brandon: we'll go right now you want to come?
Y/N: yeah I need a bit of fresh air either way
Zion: you okay?
Y/N: yeah I just want to drink so I won't be stress
Zion: imma go get my keys
Brandon: we'll wait for you at your car tell Edwin or Austin where we're going
Zion: if I can find them

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