Chapter 15

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Nick's POV:

*he pulls Edwin to Brandon's room*
Nick: I got it
Zion: you got what?
Austin: are you sick?
Brandon: do you need anything? Do you need to throw up?
Nick: I got the lyrics for both of them
All: let's hear it
*he gets in the booth & starts to sing Healthy*
Nick: and I'm sick thinking about you when you're not no this ain't healthy don't even smile. Don't even look at me. Don't say the words you know what's gonna happen cause only you know what it does to me. Heart beat fast like it's trynna run from me.
*he steps out of the booth*
Nick: so?
All: that was fire
Nick: that can be for one and this one can be for the next one
*he steps in the booth*
Nick: My girl in a party, can't control it (oh) I'm talking 'bout her body Way she moves Way she on it Now I'm speeding way over the limit (zoom) 'Cause I can't get my mind off some guy tryna own it All I can think about is All I can think about is Some guy trying to pull you close Thinking he might take you home AllI can think about is All I can think about is you...
*he walks out*
Edwin: wow I guess that call really got you going
Brandon: alright boys we got something to work on

Your POV:
On my way back to the UK, I started thinking about what Franny's friends said. I started to work on my song again but I changed a lot of the lyrics and fixed a bit of the beat. Each night before bed I would work on. I ended the call with Nick and grabbed my laptop and headphones. I starts to listen to the beat. I started to sing along with the lyrics I had noted down on notes on my phone.

(listen to Letter To My Unborn by Phora)
Y/N: To my dear unborn child whether boy or girl write this song to prepare you for this lonely world When you goin' through a bad time and need to clear your mind Just play this song alone and tune out from the world I hope this life brings you nothin' but peace (Nothin' but peace) I hope this life keeps you away from the streets (Keeps you away from the streets) I hope this life gives you someone that loves you
*you continue to sing a bit more as tears started to form*
Y/N: 'Cause in this lifetime, the only thing you really need is love But on the way, you'll experience pain And some people let that thing called pain turn 'em cold inside Me, I use it to remind me that my soul's alive You can let it eat you up, you can let it break you down Or you can let it teach you that there's so much more to life (That there's so much more to life) Don't ever let the hard times break you You gon' find love and lose love, but that's what makes you Keep your heart protected, keep growin', be thankful

I paused the recording and started to break down. I had a tequila bottle in my mini fridge that I have in my room. I started to take shots as I looked at my sonogram. I started to cry even more. In 2 month, she/he would've been 4 years. After a while. I felt arms wrapped around me.

Kaylen: your baby is proud of you
Angelique: don't cry Y/N please we have to be happy
Y/N: I'm sorry guys it's just hard
Angelique: but hey they're looking down on you right now and being all happy that you're doing what you love
Kaylen: it hurts us that you're going through this but we need you to stay strong so let's finish getting ready and we're gonna celebrate
*you wipe your tears away as you kiss the sonogram*
Y/N: you're right I'm sorry guys
Kaylen: don't be sorry you have to let everything out
*they pulled away*
Y/N: what are you guys doing here?
Angelique: something told us we should get ready here with you
Kaylen: and also because you have better lighting to do makeup
*you all laugh*
Y/N: thank you guys for making me laugh and being patient with me
*you hugged them*
Kaylen: don't think you don't do the same for us because you do and we love you for it
Y/N: and I love you guys

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