Chapter 21

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At the airport.

We're currently waiting for our flight to be called. We decided to just wonder around a bit. Just to kill time. Soon they announced the flight. We got in and we got to our seats. I get to sit next to Nick and I'm happy.

Y/N: so you ready for the UK?
*he grabs your hand*
Nick: I'm ready now you get to show me UK like I showed you LA
Y/N: well to be fair I've already been to LA so you didn't show much
Nick: that's true but I want to know what Y/N Arrieta does on a daily bases
Y/N: you see I don't think you can handle it
*you both lean in*
Nick: bring it on
*you guys kissed*

Next Morning.

We ordered three Ubers since we're splitting up. Kaylen, Ashley, Kiana and Edwin are gonna go to Kaylen's house, Angelique, Austin, and Zion are going to Angelique's house while Nick, Brandon and I go to my house. We plan on meeting up at my house when they're settled in. Harrison and Andy are coming over tomorrow.

*you guys got to your house*
Y/N: alright welcome to hotel Y/N
*you set your keys to the side*
Both: woah
Brandon: your house looks so small outside compared to the inside it's like a mansion in here
Nick: so you live here alone?
Y/N: sometimes the girls come over or Harris and Andy but for the usual yeah I live here alone
Brandon: you don't get scared?
Y/N: at first I was but I got used to it come on I'll show you guys around

I started to show them the living room, dinning room, kitchen, bar room, first bathroom. I felt like I was a realtor. They wanted me to make them a cocktail drink. I gave them my speciality like the first time I've made them since they requested it. After a while, I started to finish the tour.

After the tour.

Y/N: this is the first guest room
*you open the door & Brandon jumps on the bed*
Brandon: I call this one
Nick: what if I want this room?
Brandon: well that's too bad son
Y/N: come I'll show you the other guest room
*you & Nick walk past one room*
Nick: what's in this one?
Y/N: uhm that's for Andy when he wants to edit he comes here when they have guest over
Nick: oh okay

I lied. This room is actually the nursery room. I locked it because I knew I would want to come in and break down. I have to tell Nick.

Y/N: and this is the second guest room
*you open the door*
Nick: I'm glad B got the other room this is hella nice
Y/N: thanks I tried my best uhm my room is next door but I'll leave you to get settled in oh uhm the bathroom is right there but it's also my bathroom
Nick: so we're technically roommates
Y/N: I guess so alright I'll be in the kitchen

I walked out and went to the kitchen to make dinner. I got my ingredients out and started to make (your favorite food).

Two hours later.

I just finished cooking dinner for all of us. Brandon was sleeping and Nick was taking a shower. I make myself a cocktail drink and went outside my backyard.

Nick: there you are
Y/N: here I am
*he sits next to you*
Nick: food looks delicious when did you learn to cook?
Y/N: when I meet the Webb brothers and I moved to here
Nick: well can't wait to try it
*you both smile*
Nick: I've been meaning to ask you something
Y/N: go ahead
*you take a sip*
Nick: the song you wrote why did you write it?
Y/N: what makes you think I have a reason?
Nick: the lyrics seems to be personal and every time you listen to it you cry
Y/N: n-
Nick: don't even deny it because you do so tell me
Y/N: I don't think I'm ready to tell you
*he grabs your hand*
Nick: you can tell me anything
*you took a deep breath*
Y/N: uhm when I broke up with you and I came here...
*you sighed & looked down*
Y/N: I found out I was 8 weeks pregnant
*you looked at him*
Y/N: with your kid
Nick: what? Well where's my kid?
*you started to tear up*
Y/N: the day Keana and I were going home uhm I had to go to the emergency room
Nick: oh
*he had teary eyes*
Y/N: I lost the baby I'm sorry Nick
Nick: I need time for myself

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