ch 2; spilled milk

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It's the next day, and Knuckles couldn't get Shadow out from his mind.
It really sucks, he couldn't meet up today. Oh well, one day more or less, doesn't matters.
The echidna enters the local store with the feelings of butterflies in the stomach.
Now when Shadow might like him, he starts acknowledge the crush he might have since the start. When they first met, few years ago.

The same moment when he entered the store, a blue and black hedgehog walked out.
For some reason, when they passed each others, their shoulders bumped.
The hedgehog drops the milk, where it slams hardly on the ground and kinda exploded.
Milk splashed around the ground, and onto the hedgehog's shoe.
The hedgehog grunts loudly in frustration over the incident. And starts kicking with the foot to get the milk off the shoe.
Knuckles jolts.
"I'M SORRY!-... I will-..." he starts apologising when Mephiles glares at him.
"Watch where you walk, you idiot!" He growls.
Knuckles flinches.
Then he starts clenching the hands angrily.
"WHAT?!-..." he shouts loudly.
Mephiles grunts.
"ARE YOU DEAF?-... OR JUST STUPID?!" He says rudely in louder voice to make a fool of Knuckles.

Knuckles grits the teeth, and yanks the collar of Mephiles' jacket.
"I APOLOGIZED!-..." he starts saying while pulling Mephiles toward him, where the hedgehog grunts surprised.
"...- And I was about to say, I could buy you a new milk!-... And for the record... You could also watched your steps!"
Mephiles parts the lips, and exhales in surprise.
A short silence later, the hedgehog raises an eyebrow.
"You would?-..." he asks with calmer voice.
Knuckles gives him a short glare, then he nods and let's go of him.
"Of course-... But I might not now, after everything you've called me..." he scoffs.
Mephiles looks down with lowered ears.
"... I'm sorry..." he mumbles.

Knuckles gets pleased with the apology, and nods.
"Fine-... Then I can buy you a new one..." he says, and picks up the damaged milk.
Mephiles gasps where the ears perked up.
The echidna tossed the milk in the trash, then he smiles gently at him.
" Let's shop together-... It's rather cold outside... So, you can walk with me instead..." he suggests.
Mephiles nods.

Knuckles takes a shopping basket in the hand, and starts walking around the store.
The echidna starts adding more and more things in the basket.
He looks asking at his company.
" You look familiar-...But, I don't think we have met earlier... I'm Knuckles by the way" he smiles.
Mephiles raises an eyebrow.
"... Mephiles..." he mutters silently.
Knuckles brain starts slowly working, where he tries remember where he has heard that name.
Then it clicked.
"Oh!?-... Are you perhaps Shadow's brother?" He asks curiously, and starts understanding why Mephiles looks so familiar.
The hedgehog shrugs.
Knuckles chuckles while grabbing strawberry jam.
"It's so weird-... I didn't even knew he had a brother until yesterday... And suddenly I met you today... Isn't it fun with coincidences?!" He laughs while placing the glass container in the basket.
Mephiles rolls the eyes, and let's out a snort.
"... Lucky me..." he mutters unfriendly.

Knuckles looks asking at Mephiles, and wasn't paying attention on his unfriendly behavior.
"What is Shadow doing today-..." he starts asking.
"Not much-... Most sleeping..." Mephiles shrugs.
Knuckles stutters a few noises, since he wasn't expecting to get cut off in mid-sentence.
Then he nods.
"Maybe he is very tired-... Do you perhaps have his number?" He asks with increased heartbeats where the heart pounds faster.
"I-... Forgot to ask for his number... We are only friends online... B-but... I want his number as well..." he blushes, and looks around in the store to find the next thing to buy. But also to avoid Mephiles, since he is feeling a bit shy.

Mephiles rolls the eyes.
Why would he give Knuckles the number?-... So, annoying.
After a short moment of silence, Knuckles looks confused over the shoulder at him. Worried Mephiles might have dumped him, and walked away.
He exhales in relief when he could still see him.
"Well?-... I assume you have his number, 'Cause he is your brother..." he points out, and gets worried Mephiles might not give him the number, 'Cause he is a jerk toward the guys Shadow is dating. If Shadow told him the whole truth.
Mephiles grunts loudly, and dramatically.
Then he sighs, and reaches the hand out toward him.
"Alright-... Give me your phone, and I will add the number in your contact list..."
Knuckles brights happily up, and takes the phone up where he hands it over to him.
"Thanks, Meph-..." he smiles, and made Mephiles to roll the eyes over the nickname.

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