ch 9; the truth about the twins

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It's March the first, and Knuckles is nervously driving over to Shadow's house.
A slightly surprised Shadow wanted to meet him on an odd-numbered date. Oh well-... A promise, is a promise, right?!
And he doesn't even dares calling him, to make sure they would still meet up... What if Mephiles answered, and lied?
Talking about Mephiles-... Knuckles really needs telling them, he might not be able to date them both. Simply 'Cause he would feel as a cheating rat.
... Hopefully they will understand... And if Mephiles is lucky, Sonic and Amy will break up in the future... Giving him a chance to date the blue hedgehog.
And if Shadow would complain about his twin brother dating him, Knuckles will step up for Mephiles, and tell Shadow to chill.
Even though Mephiles was dating someone Shadow doesn't like, it's not as Shadow would get in bed with that guy as well..
Mephiles can date another guy, while Shadow pays attention on Knuckles.
That's simple-... Right?

When Knuckles starts reaching the house, he starts hitting the brake gently. And when he is next the house, the car halted and he turns the motor off.
The echidna inhales deeply.
"... Here we go..." Knuckles swallows, and takes the seat belt off, and grabbed the roses, he kept on the passenger seat next his.
He gets out from the car with trembling legs, and closed the door and locks the car.
Then he walks nervously toward the house.

The garden around the house starts looking as a spring field.
Green grass, with snow drops spread here and there in the garden.
Even the temperature today is nice. A bit chilly in the wind, but otherwise it was obviously a spring day.

Knuckles knocks the door, and clenched the hand around the bouquet a slightly.
Few moments later he hears approaching steps.
His heart starts pounding excitingly. But as soon he sees Mephiles through the small window in the door, the heartbeats decreased. And it feels as the heart dropped.
Mephiles opens the door, and Knuckles gives him an unsure smile.
"H-hi M-mephiles... It's been a while..." he starts saying, and makes Mephiles to raise a brow at him.
Knuckles swallows hardly.
"... Y-your brother is home?-... We-... We have plans today..."

An awkward silence later, Mephiles shakes the head.
"Sorry Knuckles-... But Shadow won't be here today... You can talk with him tomorrow... Bye-..." The hedgehog says grumpy and starts closing the door.
Knuckles gasps, and flinches where he grabbed the door, and keeps it opened.
"NO WAIT!-..." Knuckles protests.
Mephiles hums asking, and let's the door slide open again.
Knuckles let's out a shaky breath.
"Shadow would never lie- ... And break his promises... I'm sure he will be here... Either now, or soon... In the meanwhile you can maybe let me in, and we can have a talk?"

Mephiles grunts bothered.
" ... Fine-..." he mutters and walks aside to let Knuckles in.
Knuckles smiles gratefully, and walks in.
"Thanks Meph-..." he says, and closes the door behind him.
The hedgehog scoffs, and crosses the arms
".... We can talk-... But, Shadow won't be here today... The idiot missed it's leap year this year... Therefore it would be two odd-numbered dates in row..."
Knuckles stares confused at him.
"And why would that change the fact if Shadow would be around, or not?-... Do you share a job there he takes the odd-numbered dates, and you the even dates?"
Mephiles shrugs.
"... Well-... That would be the perfect cover up... But-... I don't wanna lie, and tell you that..." he unwraps the arms, and walks toward the living room where he sits down on the armchair.
Knuckles followed him, and sits awkwardly down on the couch where he places the flowers on the coffee table.

Mephiles looks curiously at the other.
"Well?-..." he starts asking.
Knuckles grunts confused, and flinches the eyes up at him.
The hedgehog shrugs.
"You wanted to tell me something... What do you want to talk about?"
Knuckles stiffened.
It was obvious Mephiles wasn't in his best mood today... Maybe he shouldn't... No!-... He must tell him. It would be wrong not telling him, and giving him false hopes.
Knuckles clears the throat.
"I-... I... Think I might like you..." Knuckles starts telling him. And when he notices how Mephiles brights up, 'Cause of that, he curses at himself in the mind.
Perfect-... Now he will be even more devastated...

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