ch 21; the intruder

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Mephiles is washing the dishes.
The echidna is already snoring loudly from the bedroom, and Silver seems being asleep in the nursery.
So, the late evening is very peaceful and he could finish a few chores.
Times as these, there Silver might wake up in the middle of the night, he is rather grateful for sharing body with his brother...
Without any problem, he can stay up until midnight where Shadow takes control of the body while Mephiles can fall asleep.
Despite Silver would wake up, it wouldn't be Mephiles' responsibility, and he could remain asleep.

Which means-... He doesn't needs to hurry to the bed, and could take care of few chores no one had the time with during the day.

The hedgehog turns the water off, and turns around where he notices movements from the yard in the corner of the eyes.
He grunts jolting with increased heartbeats.
Mephiles squints the eyes while looking out through the window.
When he sees a silhouette of someone in the darkness, he wides the eyes.
The hedgehog was about to walk out from the kitchen, when a gentle knock on the window startled him.

He flinches the face back toward the window where he surprised sees Sonic standing outside.
The blue hedgehog makes hand gestures as he wanted to talk with him.
Mephiles looks worried up on the clock at the wall in the kitchen. At least it was around an hour until Shadow would take control of the body...
He nods to Sonic as respond.
Then he walks out to the hallway where he takes the outdoor outfit on...

The late evening breeze made him to shudder, and he closes the door carefully so he wouldn't wake up someone in the house...
Sonic walks toward him with a grateful smile.
" Thanks for coming out-... And sorry for bothering you this late..."
Mephiles nods slowly while eyeing the other hedgehog. Despite he might not feel as strongly as he did few months ago, the heart still pounds a bit faster from seeing him.
"... You wanted to talk with me?"
Sonic nods.
" Yeah-... I haven't been able to stop thinking about you since the day at the green field ... And I apologize for rudely asking if you wanted to have sex with me... "Sonic apologies, before he gets silent where he looks down on the ground.
"...-Can I ask you something..." he adds in a low voice, and looks curiously up at the other.

Mephiles raises an eyebrow, and nods.
The blue hedgehog shrugs.
"... Shadow is dating Knuckles... Right?"
The dark furred hedgehog nods again.
"... Yes-... Why do you ask?"
Sonic exhales in relief. Yeah-... He might like Shadow... But maybe... Just maybe he likes Mephiles a little more?!
"... Then you are single-... I wasn't sure if you or Shadow was the one to date Knuckles... But maybe you could consider to go on a date with me?... And don't worry about me dating someone... I can dump her for you..." he says a bit excited.

The heart dropped in Mephiles' chest... He can't remember how long he would dream of this day... There Sonic would ask him out... But-... It was weeks ago, he even dreamed about that.
Now he has his small family... And he wouldn't risk losing that due a former crush.
Mephiles sighs, and startled Sonic.
"... Sorry Sonic-... If-... If you asked me out a few weeks ago... I could ... And would agree on a date... But-..." he furrows the eyebrows. How honest should he be?
The most morbians already see him as a freak-... Who cares if Sonic would also think that?
But-... Would Knuckles and Shadow be alright with getting dragged into the mess?

Sonic looks disappointed at him.
" Heh-... Why not?-... I mean... If you would agree a few weeks ago... Why not now?... If I have done anything wrong... Let me know, and I will try to fix it..."
Mephiles gets the sudden urge to embrace him... But stays away where he clears the throat instead.
" ... Simply 'cause-... I'm dating-... Knuckles as well..." he swallows hardly.

Sonic inhales sharply, and froze for a moment where the brain tried adding two and two.
Mephiles looks worried at him.
The other hedgehog jolts.
"WAIT-... Wait-... Wait..." he protests with the hands up.
Sonic raises an eyebrow, and lowered the hands.
"... Are you-... And Shadow... Your brother?!-... Dating same man?!"
Mephiles nods.
Sonic looks very confused over the answer. While the feeling of losing the chance of dating Mephiles, overwhelmed him.
"... A bit weird-... But-... That would explain a lot why Knuckles overreacted on the greenfield... And why he seemed kinda angry at you...Were you having a fight?..." he says thoughtfully, before he jolts.
Suddenly Sonic remembered something else...
" Wait-... You told me that day-... you were in a bad relationship... Were you talking about Knuckles?!... " he adds curiously.
Mephiles' heart starts pounding faster-... Should he deny?... Or nodding in respond due Sonic has right?

Sonic starts eyeing Mephiles while humming thoughtfully.
"... Let me guess-... Knuckles likes Shadow better... And that's why your relationship is bad?... Since you are left out?"
Hearing those words makes Mephiles nervous.
Since he still lacks confidence in himself, he is still afraid Knuckles doesn't cares about him... Even his own mother didn't wanted him... So, why would someone else want to?

Mephiles clears the throat to protest.
"N-no-..." he starts saying when Sonic grins.
"... If that's the case-... Then I will steal you from the moron, and give you the love you deserve~" he chuckles, while a random clicking sound appeared.
Then he clicks the tongue, and shakes the head.
"... An idiot as Knuckles doesn't deserve having two boyfriends where he neglects one of them..."

Suddenly the front door swings opened with a very angry echidna who had heard the last part.
" WHO THE HELL ARE YOU CALLING AN IDIOT?!" He growls, and startled the others where Sonic almost lost all color in the face.

Knuckles starts walking out from the house where he narrows the eyes at the intruder.
Sonic let's out a nervous laugh.
" Sorry Knuckie-... I didn't wanted to disturb your beauty sleep... I ehm... Will leave now... -Bye!..." he swallows hardly, before cowardly running away as fast he could.

The annoyed echidna looks toward the direction where Sonic ran against.
He let's out a grunt.
"... What the hell is his problem..." he mutters, before looking asking, and bit frustrated at the remaining hedgehog.
"... And what were you two talking about?" He asks with a slightly accusing voice. Sonic was talking something about, he was neglecting one of his boyfriends... Were Mephiles perhaps complaining about them to Sonic?!

Mephiles stiffened, with nervous heartbeats.
" I ehm-... Sonic wanted to know... If it was me or Shadow, who was dating you... I then told him we both were dating you... And then he started talking about the day at the greenfield where he had noticed you seemed angry at me... A-and he wanted to know...- If my relationship with y-you were any good..." he answers nervously. Still worried Knuckles would one day, turn back to the 'monster' he once was.

Knuckles exhales, and starts feeling less upset.
"Oh?-... And what did you answered him?"
Mephiles shakes the head.
"... I didn't got the chance to answer... And out of nowhere you came yelling out from the house and startled us..."
The echidna let's out a short and nervous laugh.
"... Oh-... Sorry about that... I was so mad when I saw Sonic in the middle of the night in our yard... And then he also called me an idiot..." he shrugs.
Mephiles relaxed.
"... Yeah-... He gave me a heart attack when he snuck around the house... But-..." he sighs with a feeling of disappointment.
"... - I don't think he will continue with that... I think he got the answer he needed... And will leave us alone..." he adds.
It's a weird feeling... You are getting handed the one person you have dreamed about... But due certain circumstances, you don't take the chance...
Oh well-... Maybe in another alternative universe the chapter of their love-story could be told... But not in this one...
Now it's the story of something else... And he wouldn't risk losing the family he has gotten...

Knuckles takes his hand, and snapped Mephiles out from the thoughts of an alternative universe.
" Hey-... It's pretty cold... Let's get to the bed and cuddle a little until you and Shadz change with each others..." he suggests with a smile.
Mephiles nods, and grabbed the other's hand.
"... Okay-..." he says, and walks back in...

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