ch 16; What the hell Knuckles!

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Knuckles doesn't know how to respond on the current situation. And therefore he keeps drinking beer after beer on the couch.
When one bottle or can is empty, he either throws it down at the floor or placing it on the already overfilled table.
The table is a real mess right now, filled with empty or half empty bags with snack and boxes with takeout.
The echidna grunts and grabs a small white box with chopsticks inside.
He peeks down on the already cold food who is already two-thirds eaten.
Despite he can't remember if the food is from today, or yesterday, he starts eating the leftovers.
While eating the soggy noodles, someone rudely burts through the door.

"WHAT THE HELL KNUCKLES!!!" Rouge yells while she pissed walks toward the living room.
Knuckles grunts annoyed, and doesn't even care to look up at her upset face.
The bat places the fists on the hips.
"I was curios what the drama was about on the day at the green field-... Sonic didn't dared to tell me a thing-... So, I spoke with Mephiles today... And I must say; WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" She says loudly, and rose the voice even higher at the end.
Knuckles stiffened where the heart pounds painfully of the thought of Mephiles... How things turned out so wrongly between them.
Instead of saying anything, he places the box back down on the table and grabs a beer instead.
The echidna starts drinking the beer in silence.
Which upsets Rouge even more.
"DON'T YOU HAVE ANYTHING TO SAY?-... " she growls while glaring at him. Leaning forward a little.

Knuckles slams the beer on the table and glares unfriendly at her.
Rouge scoffs, and crosses the arms.
"At first I was very worried about you, when you were spending the days here, like this..." She says and makes a gesture with the head where she nods toward the mess on the table.
"... -But now I know-... You were only a jerk... You have always been an idiot-... BUT THIS?!-... This takes the cake... I never knew you would be an asshole who poorly treated your pregnant partner... And calling the child as an accident who should be aborted!... HOW COULD YOU!?" She accuses him.
Knuckles closes the eyes, and inhales deeply.
"... Leave-..." he mumbles under the breath.
The bat grunts confused.
"What?!-... Talk louder you piece of shit... Right now, you are taking the prize as the worst dad and boyfriend ever!"

Knuckles flinches the eyes opened with gritted teeth.
"GET LOST ROUGE!- .. I DON'T WANT YOU HERE!!!" He yells while standing swiftly up. There the hip thuds at the table and made the opened beer to fall down and spill its liquid out.
Rouge shakes the head.
Knuckles clenched the hands while trembling in anger.
"IT'S-...Not your business-..." he hisses through gritted teeth.
Rouge shrugs.
"Maybe not-... But it's surely yours... So, why don't you do anything about it? And man up!"

The alcohol in his blood makes his head dizzy, and he wobbles a little.
"... Shut up-... You are giving me a headache..." he grunts and starts rubbing the fingertips on the forehead, massaging the area.
Rouge looks worried at him, and when at the mess around the room.
She sighs.
"... I will help you with the cleaning-... Then I want you to take a shower and rest to sober up... We should talk when you aren't drunk..."
Knuckles glares at her.
Then he exhales sighing.
"... Fine-... Do whatever you want... If you wanna clean up, then suit yourself..." he scoffs, and starts walking toward the restroom to get a shower.

The bat sighs over the situation with her ex... Now she starts understanding why you shouldn't stay friends with your ex... It's really a pain in the ass. Especially when you are friend with a knucklehead.
Rouge starts cleaning the mess up, and makes sure to pour out every single drop of alcohol she could find, in the sink in the kitchen.
Right now Knuckles isn't in a shape to have alcohol around him... At least not at home, where no one can keep an eye at him.
So, it's better to pour out whatever she could find who contains alcohol.
When she finds a bottle with wine in one of the cupboards in the kitchen, she flinches.
"Oh?-... What do we have here?-..." she says and starts eyeing the bottle.
"... Such a shame to waste you-... So, you are going home with mama~" she snickers, and takes the bottle out to the hallway where she puts the bottle down in her handbag.
"Alrighty~ ... Let's find out if Knuckles is still alive..." she smirks, and walks over to the closed door to the restroom where she could hear the sound of water pouring down on the floor.
The bat knocks.
"Knuckie?-... Are you still up?... I don't wanna need to break in when you are naked~"
Knuckles grunts annoyed.
"OH GODDESS SAKE ROUGE!-... Can't you leave a man alone, when he is showering!?-... You are almost more worse than Sonic when you are nagging on me like that-..." he mutters from inside.
Rouge snickers.
"Honey, don't be a jerk toward someone who cares about you~... Oh well... Since you are alive, I won't bother you..." she shrugs, and turns around and walks away while Knuckles mutters something under the breath.

*** Few moments later***

When Rouge has got Knuckles in the bed, and placed the blanket over him, she walks out to the hallway where she takes his car keys with her. No way she would risk he would take the car down to the town and buy more alcohol.
The bat gets into Knuckles' car and starts driving away.

*** Around three hours later ***

Knuckles blinks the eyes slowly opened.
It feels as the bladder is about to burst as a water balloon.
Grunting, he gets up from the bed and wobbles out to the bathroom.
The head is spinning around with an annoying pounding from inside.

When he is done with his business in the restroom, he walks out to the kitchen where he shakes out two pills from a small bottle.
He puts the bottle back in the cupboard closest the fridge.
He is still holding the pills when he opened the fridge.
The echidna starts eyeing the inside of the fridge to find any beer.
And when he can't find any, he grunting starts searching through the cupboards.
He knew he had least a bottle of wine somewhere...
When he can't find any alcohol at all to swallow the aspirin with, he grunting slams the door to the cupboard.
" FOR THE GOD DAMN SAKE, ROUGE-..." he mutters, and swallows the pills with water directly from the tap.

The upset echidna walks frustrated out to the bedroom where he swiftly puts clothes on.
If he needs heading down to the town, the boxers wouldn't be enough...
Whilst clothed, he walks out to the hallway and takes the shoes and jacket on.
Then he walks out where he shocked sees the car is missing.
"WHAT THE-..." Knuckles exhales surprised.
The shocked echidna takes the phone swiftly out where he starts calling Rouge.
A few seconds later she answers.
"Oh?-... Already up?" She chuckles.
Knuckles inhales deeply with increased heartbeats.
"W-where is my C-car?-..." he asks worried. Afraid someone might have stolen it.

"Oh?-..." Rouge exhales.
"... And why do you want to know where your car is?-... Then you obviously aren't in any condition to drive..."
Knuckles scoffs.
"IT'S GONE!-... SOMEONE STOLE-..." he starts shouting upset.
"... I have your car..." Rouge simply tells him.
Knuckles grunts confused.
"... Why?-... I haven't given you the thumb up to take my car... Not only that-... YOU STOLE MY WINE!"
Rouge sighs.
"... I did so... simply 'Cause you really shouldn't drink any more... And I don't want to take the risk, you would drive the car while drunk... You could honestly get hurted? Don't you understand that, sweetie?... Or you could hurt someone else while driving with alcohol in the blood..."
Knuckles gets more and more frustrated.
He growls while rubbing the hand over the forehead.
"... I'm hungry though-..." he says and lowered the hand from the forehead.
"... Alright-... I will get you a pizza... But-... I won't hand your car back..." Rouge tells him.
Knuckles flinches.
"BITCH!-... THAT'S MY CAR..." he rudely yells.
Few seconds later Rouge clicks the call.
Knuckles grunts surprised, and looks asking on the screen.
"... Woah-... She hung up..." he exhales shocked.
Then he grunts.
"... Fuck-... Now she might not get me a pizza.... Damn it..." he mutters, and gets back inside.

Lucky him, she did.
Without taking the car over there.
Instead she used her wings, and flies over to his house with a pizza.
Silently she hands him the pizza, and flies back home.
Knuckles' heart pounds with guilt... Great-... Not only did he hurted his boyfriend... He also made his best friend angry at him.
Such a great guy he is-... Or not...

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