ch 14; barbecue and drama

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It's been days now. And not a single time has Shadow either woke up or taken control of the body. Like he was in some kind of coma.
Which starts stressing Mephiles and Knuckles a lot-... There Knuckles seems handling the situation with anger and keeping distance, while Mephiles keeps tearing up all the time.

The hedgehog sits alone in the house, and sniffles while trying to distract himself with a movie... Which doesn't works very well. Since the thoughts keeps bouncing back at his worry about Shadow-... And the sorrow when it comes to Knuckles.
If Knuckles could only be by his side and support him through the pain... Then things would be a lot easier to handle... But-... Now it isn't-... And those angry purple eyes keep glaring at him. Almost as Knuckles would rather lose him, and keep Shadow around.
And right now-... Mephiles would rather have things being like that. At least then, he wouldn't feel the pain... The awful pain who keeps hunting him day as night... Mostly on the nights, where he barely can fall asleep... And when he does-... The nightmares keep startling him, and waking him up with pounding heart and the sheets wrapped around the body.

The stress over Shadow and Knuckles make him very sick... First of all, it's the exhaustion due the lack of sleep... Then it's the nausea and the stupid tears who seem being on the verge all the time.

Few tears drips down from the eyes, when someone knocks on the door.
He stiffened.
Afraid it might be Knuckles who would be disappointed the second it's not Shadow who opened the door.
Right now-... He isn't in any shape to see the disappointment and the anger in his boyfriend's eyes... Probably ex boyfriend if Shadow never comes back again...
It starts feeling pretty obvious now, that; Knuckles doesn't cares about him anymore...
Which is hard-... Since he loves Knuckles so much...

When the person knocks again, he exhales sighing and stands up where he wipes the tears away.
Then he wobbles out to the hallway, and starts opening the door where he doesn't notices it's something blue and not red he could see through the window in the door.
"Sorry Knuckles but-..." he starts apologising, when he slowly realizes it's not Knuckles in front him. Instead it's Sonic. His crush.
He gasps.
Sonic smiles and waves the hand.
"Hi Mephiles-... " he starts saying, and makes Mephiles' heart to pound happily for once in a while.
"...- Is Shadow around? I haven't seen him for days now..." he adds asking, and made Mephiles' heart to drop sadly.
"S-shadow?..." he asks while tearing up.
The blue hedgehog nods.
"Yeah!-... a few friends of mine, are planning to eat barbecue and playing soccer... I wanted to invite him..." Sonic explains and starts blushing a little. Barely noticeable.
"... Oh-..." Mephiles exhales disappointed.
Of course even Sonic would invite Shadow-... His brother has always been the popular among them. While Mephiles is the unloved freak whose mother killed herself since she couldn't stand the thought of giving birth to a monster as him...
Mephiles inhales to speak.
Sonic chuckles.
"... Don't tell me Shadow is still asleep, like the weirdo he is..." he jokes.
"...- Like I said at the café-... He really needs sun on that body... And perhaps that would also make him less moody, and more happy... Like me, who smiles like a sunshine..." he grins with the index fingers pointing at the lips.

The corners of Mephiles' lips flinched upward during few seconds. Until they dropped again.
"Sorry Sonic-... But, my brother isn't here... And I don't know when he will come back... So, don't expect to see him any time soon..." he tells him, and places the hand on the door handle. Ready to close the door and be alone with his pain.
Sonic shrugs.
"Oh-kay-... Maybe that's for the better... I don't think your brother would like when I kick his ass in soccer~" he playfully sticks the tongue out and wink with eye while rubbing a hand on the backhead, while the other hand is on the hip.
Mephiles let's out a small laugh and smiles.
"Yeah-... I don't think that either... You and he would probably start fighting in the middle of the game..." he says, and is surprised Sonic hasn't left yet. The hedgehog came to get Shadow-... Why is he still around?

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