ch 5; there might be more than friendship

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With disbelief in the eyes, Mephiles blinks surprised at Knuckles who stands by the door at his house.
Mephiles never thought Knuckles would actually show up as promised.
Usually the males, Shadow dated, would turn around when they saw him... They only wished to fuck Shadow, and nothing else.
Never could those guys ever care the slightest about Mephiles.
So yes, with distrust in Knuckles' promises, he wasn't sure if they would hang out today.

Mephiles tilts the head, while eyeing the smiling echidna.
"... You came?-... Why?..."
Knuckles grunts confused.
" 'Cause I promised you-... Don't you want me here?"
There is a short silence between them.
Then Mephiles nods.
"... What do you have in mind?"
Knuckles hums thoughtfully.
"... Do you like music, and beer?" he asks unsure. Not sure if Mephiles would be the kind of person to visit the bar.
He also doesn't know how you are supposed to hang out with someone who isn't your friend yet. And won't be your date...
The friends he has now, became the friends either through battle against Eggman, or since they wouldn't leave him alone. Like Sonic.
The annoying fur ball kept teasing him, until Knuckles started seeing him as a friend... An annoying friend.
So yeah, he has never started a new friendship with someone new. Therefore, he doesn't know how to become friends.

When Knuckles doesn't gets an answer right away, he raises an eyebrow.
"Well?-... Would you like taking a beer with me?... Otherwise we could do something else, if you want"
Mephiles inhales deeply, and shrugs.
"Fine-... But I can't stay out too long... I must be home least a half hour before midnight..."
Knuckles chuckles lightly.
"Of course my princess-... I will make sure you are home before the magic breaks..." he jokes.
Mephiles tilts the head.
"Princess?-... What are you talking about?"
Knuckles drops the smile, and shrugs.
"You know-... Cinderella?-... The magic the fairy godmother gave her, would only last until midnight... And then it would vanished... Therefore she had to leave the ball before midnight... Kinda like you..." he explains.
"Oh?-..." Mephiles exhales a bit confused.
Knuckles shrugs.
"Not like that would be any important-... So, if you are ready, you can take the jacket on, and we can get going..." he says since he noticed Mephiles seemed as he was clueless about the similarities between Cinderella and him... Maybe he hasn't seen that movie?
Perhaps it's only Knuckles, 'Cause he grew up with a sister...
Now when he thinks about it, Cinderella is more a girl movie than something a boy would watch...

Mephiles turns around, where he takes the dark blue jacket down from the hook.
Then he puts the jacket on.
He also wraps a knitted, snow white scarf around the neck.
"Alright I'm done-..." he tells him, and looks curiously behind Knuckles at the car.
"... Are we taking the car?-..." he asks confused.
Knuckles nods.
" At least to my friend's place-... I will park the car there, and we will walk the last two hundred meters, or something like that..."
Mephiles nods slowly as he couldn't understand how they would get home later... If Knuckles drinks alcohol, he won't be able to drive them home. At least not legally.
The hedgehog looks asking at him
"... And how do we get back home?-... Are you planning to walk?... I don't think there will be any bus around that time..."
Knuckles smiles.
"No-... My friend will drive us... So, don't worry... It would be rude of me, making you walk home late at night..."
The echidna starts eyeing him, thoughtfully.
"We don't need to-... If you aren't comfortable... Like I said, we can do something else..." he ensures him.
Mephiles flinches.
"... It's fine-... As long I'm back at home in time... " he says, and walks out from the house where Knuckles walked aside to let him out.
The hedgehog closed the door, and locks it with a key, he later puts back into the pocket on the jacket.
Knuckles nods.
"I promise!"

They get into the car, where Knuckles smoothly drives away.
Despite it's dark outside, light bounced on the snow at the ground, and made the surroundings appear lighter than it is.
The echidna drives out from the village, and takes a ten minutes drive over to the closest town. Which takes about fifteen minutes now instead, since he drives a little slower. So, he wouldn't slide off the road due the snow and the probably ice.

You& me, and our mateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora