Chapter four: A Moment Of Weakness.

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Chapter four: A Moment Of Weakness.

"We gotta move." Annabelle rushed in with Finley who looked terrified.

"Why?" Lori asked while quickly packing up our things.

"They're here." And we all knew exactly what she meant.

Lori and Carl helped me up as we quickly hurried to the car. Lori placed me in the backseat, followed by Carl while she placed everything in the trunk. Annabelle jumped in the front and started the engine. Lori climbed in the back with us and Finely went into the passenger seat. We sped off, leaving the walkers behind as they tried to follow us.

"Crap." I yelled, searching through my bags in pain. "Turn around, I left my gun."

Annabelle laughed. "It's over run now."

"I don't care, turn around." I demanded.

She stopped the car and turned towards me. "Do you want be walker lunch?"

"I need that gun."

She sighed heavily. "Fine, but I'll go. Where did you leave it?"

"Next to my mattress."

She nodded and took her own gun, she kissed Finely on the forehead and got out of the car to get my gun.

"Mom, please." Finley pleaded.

"I'll be back before you know it." She kissed her again before leaving. I saw her run towards the store and she disappeared. We sat in silence.

"Why did you make her do that?" Finley yelled.

"I needed the gun, there isn't much around here anymore." I told her.

"But you didn't have to send her to go and get it!"

Lori touched my arm and turned to Finley. "It's okay, your mom will be back soon."

Carl shuffled around in his seat. "Dad!"

We turned towards the window as we saw a bunch of walkers coming our way. "We gotta go." Lori said while jumping into the front seat.

"We can't leave my mom!" Finley yelled.

"We won't, we'll go back to find her." Lori reassured her as she did  a U-turn and sped off, knocking some walkers over on the way. We approached the store and we saw Annabelle fighting off some walkers.

"Mom!" Finley screamed while getting her knife out and running outside.

"Dammit." Lori cursed, jumping out the car and following her.

"Lori, wait!" I yelled but she was already gone.


"Come on." I told Carl as we both slowly got out of the car with just a knife and Carl's gun.

We hid behind some bushes as we saw Annabelle, Finely and Lori fighting these walkers. They didn't stand a chance. I saw that Annabelle had retrieved my gun. I noticed that my stiches had come undone and I was now bleeding.

"We need to get your mom and the others out of there."

Carl nodded. "We should bring the car over there," Carl pointed behind us, "and they could meet us at the car."

When did he grow up? I agreed to his plan as we raced back to the car, me driving and Carl in the passenger seat. Walkers heard our car starting and they started to walk towards us. We sped off around the corner and I beeped the horn.

Lori looked back and smiled as she saw us. "Come on!" She yelled as Annabelle and Finley followed. I suddenly heard a scream and it was Finley being grabbed by a walker. Lori turned back and ran up to the walker and stabbed it in the head.

It let Finley go as she was being dragged to the car where Annabelle stood, looking terrified. They all got in the back.

"Arsehole." Finley muttered to herself.

Annabelle dumped the gun in the front. "Thanks." I said.

Lori was out of breath while holding her stomach. "Are you okay?" I asked while speeding off into the distance where no walker was in sight.

I started to drive at a slow pace as I checked on Lori. "I'm fine."

"I'm sorry for causing this to happen, I had my reasons." I said.

Annabelle nodded. "Well, it won't happen again."

I nodded, understanding and and drove off until we found another row of houses. "These look okay to stay for a while." I turned into a driveway. The house was two stories and it looked like wealthy people lived here. "Come on." I told everyone as we grabbed what we had left.

We entered the house with our weapons held up in front of us as we checked every room. "All clear." Lori shouted.

We camped around the living room as we finally relaxed. "You didn't need that gun," Lori began, "you could have gotten us killed."

I sighed, knowing that I was wrong. "Okay, I get it."

"We should have just left."

"It's done now, so drop it. We're all alive." I said.

Finley started sharpening her knife. "We should have just let you die."

"Finley, enough!" Annabelle snapped at her daughter who didn't look sorry.

"Whatever." She mumbled.

I got myself up and I started boarding up the windows to stop anything from seeing inside. Annabelle helped me since I was too stubborn to get some rest. I looked towards my family and I could see smiles on their faces as they talked about baby names, I hadn't seen them smile properly in a while. It was a nice feeling considering the circumstances.

Once Annabelle and I had boarded up the living room and the kitchen, we finally took a seat and relaxed. We didn't know what tomorrow what would bring.

I noticed Lori taking her vitamins while sitting next to Carl who was drinking a little bit of water. It was quiet around here and I could help but wonder what the others were doing. Carl always had hope for these kinds of things and I couldn't help but have hope too.

"We should get some sleep." I said while looking out the window and noticing the nightfall.

Everyone agreed and settled down in the living room with their weapons by their side. I laid by Lori on the double couch with Carl by her side while Annabelle and Finley were sleeping on the floor with a few blankets that they found upstairs.

Everyone slowly fell asleep but I couldn't keep my eyes closed.

Lori chuckled to herself as she noticed I was still awake. "For a boy, we were thinking of the name Connor and for a girl, we were thinking of the name Julie."

I smiled at the names that they had chosen for our unborn child. "Carl picked Connor, I quite like that name."

I laughed quietly. "I like the name Luke or Jessie."

Lori took my hand. "So do I, Rick. So do I."


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Much love, Sarah!

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