Chapter eighteen: Survival.

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Chapter eighteen: Survival.


It didn't sound familiar to me but, it could be our chance to survive this thing. Everyone took a glance at the map and the writing on the flyer that I held in my bare hands, wanting this to be real.

"Everyone from our group could be in this place." Lori said, rocking Judith to sleep. She was right. Our people could be there. It was a small chance but we had to try something. There was nowhere else to go and we needed a safe place, especially for Judith. I couldn't let anything happen to her, I couldn't lose her as well. We had lost so much already and I wouldn't lose anybody else. I had to keep her safe and the rest of my family safe. They mattered to me and no one else.

Don't get me wrong, I didn't want anything to happen to anyone in our small group but losing my family again couldn't never happen.

Otherwise, I would lose my mind completely.


I've been examining the map for the past hour, figuring out which direction to go. I soon figured it out, we needed to head north. And that was exactly what we did.

"Can you hold her?" Lori smiled at me. I happily took my baby daughter while she grabbed a bottle of baby formula for Judith. She set the formula up, ready for Judith who started to squirm in my arms. "You can feed her." Lori handed me the bottle which I happily took.

I slowly put the bottle to her mouth as she sucked on it without a care in the world. Her blue eyes smiled at me as she grabbed a hold of the bottle which I held for her. Lori zipped up her bag and stood by my side, watching her daughter enjoy a small meal. The others were ahead of us as they all knew where to go. We had a long way to go but I knew it was the right choice for the group and my family. I never imagined a sanctuary for the survivors of the apocalypse, I would thank these people very much when we meet them. They might have just saved our lives and for that, I was grateful.

I couldn't help but wonder if Maggie and Glenn had made it. Or Carol, Tyreese, Daryl and Beth.

Daryl and Beth.

I had completely forgotten about seeing those two. Well, we didn't actually see them. Someone in Erica's group did. I had little hope that they were still alive but I've known Daryl long enough to know that he was indeed a survivor and if Beth was with him then I was sure she was safe. If I knew my group well enough, I knew that they would go there if they saw that flyer. This place must really want survivors otherwise they wouldn't have risked themselves to put up those flyers.

Judith fell straight to sleep after she had finished her bottle which I handed back to Lori to put back in her backpack.

Judith looked warm, wrapped up in her blanket as the breeze picked up a little bit. I heard chatter from the others as we continued to walk down this long track. No walkers were in sight and I was glad. I didn't want Judith to have nightmares.

A flight of birds suddenly flew over us, making a beautiful sound that I hadn't heard in a while. Judith opened her eyes to see the birds that made her giggle. Hearing our baby girl giggle was music to my ears. It made me think of the first time that Carl giggled like that as a baby. She was so much like her brother and it reminded of the days when Lori and I raised him. I wished Judith had the same memories as Carl did growing up. I never wanted to raise a child in this kind of world but I didn't regret having her, I was glad Carl had a little sister to protect.

I soon heard moans coming from behind us, waking up Judith. Just when it was getting quiet, the walkers had to ruin it. They seemed to be trailing slowly behind us. They didn't look hungry so they just followed us. They didn't seem aggressive and I was glad we didn't have to run.

I was tired of running.

I did have my weapon ready for when I did need to use it and I suspected it would be soon. But soon enough, we would have to get rid of these walkers.

"Dad?" Carl fell back from the others and stood by my side while Lori was on the other. "There is a barn over there," he pointed to the right side of the forest, "we could sleep there." I agreed with my son as I gathered our small group around while slowly walking into the right side of the forest. We didn't want to attract these walkers any more than we had to.

We followed the path that led to a huge outside area with a huge barn that stood in the centre. We all approached the barn and we took precautions before we entered it. We had to know it was safe before we settled in for the night. We flung open the two large doors. The smell hit us at first but we soon got used to it as it smelt like farm animals. Everyone held up their weapons just in case we got any surprises.

"All clear." Michonne grinned as she was the first one to walk in, followed by the others. I handed Judith to Carl who took a seat and started entertaining her as she was wide awake.

I firmly closed the barn doors, locking out anything that tried to make its way in. "Tomorrow we will continue our journey to Terminus." I announced as everyone got settled in for the night.

Everyone was happy that there was a place out there to be safe from all of this mess and soon enough, everyone drifted off to sleep. But for some reason, I was wide awake while watching my son, daughter and wife sleep. The wind howled through the night, making the doors rattle. I got myself up to secure the doors more and when I peeked through the little hole that let me see outside, there was something there.


Fighting Walkers - With My Wife (The Walking Dead, Series one - Rick & Lori) ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora