Chapter twenty: The Final Run.

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Chapter twenty: The Final Run.

It was time.

It was time to find out if this place called Terminus was really for surviving. Everyone hoped the same thing. I just hoped that our hopes weren't too high.

We all left the barn with our weapons ready. We led back to the road ahead where it was all clear of walkers. Judith was cuddled up in a blanket, sleeping without a care in the world. I was happy she didn't have to deal with this yet.

All I could hear were the sounds of everyone's footsteps as we followed the road to Terminus. We should get there in a few hours according to the map that I still kept from when we found it. The twelve of us walked the road in silence, not wanting to attract anything out of the ordinary. Our group just kept getting bigger and I liked it like this. My thought were all over the place and I had so many unanswered questions.

Who ran this place? Who thought of this amazing idea to keep everyone safe? And who would be there when we turn up? My questions should be answered very soon.


"Walkers!" Robert shouted loud enough to make the attention tuen onto us.

"Shut up, idiot." Grace whispered.

"Alright, everyone form a circle." I said as the walkers slowly approached us. There was about fifty of them and we wouldn't be able to fight them ourselves. But we all pulled out our weapons anyway. Judith started to cry in Lori's arms as she and Carl stood behind me with Finley, Lizzie and Mika. We all formed a line, with our weapons to our sides for when we were ready to use it.

"Ready?" I whispered to the others who all agreed. "Then let's go."

I heard the sound of Michonne's sword come out of it pouch, ready to slice some walkers apart. She stepped forward and approached the many walkers that came our way. Closer and closer they came to grabbing Michonne's arm and biting into it for their meal but Michonne was quick enough to slice it in half, making the other walkers more aggressive towards her. Everyone else followed in her footsteps, killing the deadly walkers one by one. It was a lot harder than most times because this was a bigger herd of walkers and more would come because of the sound of our gun shots.

"Mom!" Finley screamed.

I turned my head towards Annabelle who was up against a tree, trying to kill off the walkers. But we were too late. The surgeon who saved my life, delivered my baby and saved my family's life was now getting eaten by walkers.

"Mom!" Finely yelled in tears as she tried to save her but she was being grabbed by Carl who was pulling her back. The rest of the group were still killing the walkers one by one while hearing the crunch sound of their teeth digging into Annabelle's skin and flesh. We could hear her screams which soon slowly faded away as she died. Carol was where Annabelle was, trying to kill off the remaining walkers.

Finely was crying her hardest as she fell to ground, sobbing for her dead mother. The last walker was killed by Carol who slowly turned around away from the dead body that was once Annabelle. It wasn't even a body anymore.

Everyone was silent, standing around the dead walkers and listening to Finley cry. It was the sound that I never wanted to hear again. Carl knelt down as the teenager was on her hands and knees, crying for her only family.

I placed my hand over my face and placed my gun into my gun pouch. I walked over to Finely, crouched down to her height and put my hand on her shoulder. "Finely?" She continued to cry, sniffle and wipe her eyes. She didn't say anything as the silence between our group grew. "Finely, I'm sorry about your mom." I whispered as I squeezed her shoulder in a friendly way. "But, we must continue."

"O-Okay." She sobbed.

Carl and I helped Finely up while Lori comforted her as we continued on with the road, leaving her mothers dead corps behind.

Rest in peace, Annabelle.


The road ahead was quiet, too quiet. Finely stayed by Lori, Judith, Carl and the girls. She hadn't spoken since her mothers death and I didn't blame her.

"We are a few miles out." I said to everyone as we walked this road that felt like it would never end.

"Rick?" Lori said in a worried tone. "She's got a fever."

I looked towards our child who was burning up. "We'll be in Terminus soon, I'm sure they can help." Lori hugged Judith, fearing for her life. Babies got fevers all the time and it was usually nothing but since we were in this kind of world, we needed to be safe. I wished it was easy, going to the hospital and getting a doctor to check it out but, it was not that simple anymore. This world had killed so many people in so little time.

"Is that it?" Carl asked while pointing towards a red building behind a bunch of trees.

We came nearer to the building and there was a huge space that led towards a huge building that said Terminus at the very top, showing the survivors who arrived. We looked at what we saw as we came up towards the gate. I opened the gate that led to a main area. We all walked through a few corners before we reached the safest place on earth. There were people smiling and eating happily. I couldn't remember the last time I saw a good steak on the BBQ.

But something wasn't right. My gut told me that something was wrong. Glenn's bag. Maggie's engagement ring. Daryl's crossbow. Beth's boots. They were here. I instantly pulled up my gun, frightening everyone.

"There is no need to be scared." The women at the BQQ said as I saw snipers appear on the roof.

"This isn't safe." I whispered to our group.

"Drop the gun." One man said, making me angrier. I continued to hold up my gun as the women smirked at me.

"Take them down and put them in the container." The women at the BQQ shouted to her men.

My gun was taken away, Judith was screaming as the rest of the group was taken and placed in a dark shipping container. The door was shut and locked from the outside. Judith continued to cry in Lori's arms, echoing throughout the large shipping container.

"Rick?" I looked towards the end where my name had been called.

"Glenn?" I smiled as I saw the rest of our group. They were here. Beth, Daryl, Maggie and Glenn and a few people I didn't recognise. But, they were here. Alive and well.

Now, it was time to kick some ass.


Well, what did you think of the final chapter?

I hoped you enjoyed this mini series and don't forget to check out the other two stories about Maggie and Glenn and Beth and Daryl.

Thanks again!
Much love, Sarah!

Fighting Walkers - With My Wife (The Walking Dead, Series one - Rick & Lori) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now