Chapter six: One Option.

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Chapter six: One Option.

Toothbrushes, toothpaste, a sink, a mirror, a shower, a bath, shampoo. That was all I could see as Carl and I feared for our lives. Our only option was the window that wouldn't budge. We needed to get out of here and fast.

We moved everything that we could against the door, hopefully nothing could get through. Carl found a towel rail lying on the floor, he picked it up and tried smashing the window.

"Carl." I took it away from him as the walkers were getting more aggressive.

"Well, how else are we going to get out of here?" He snapped.

I sighed in defeat. "Okay but make it quick."

He banged the window multiple times. It cracked slightly and he was getting tired. I kept my eye on the door as I leaned against the wall, near the toilet. The shelf that was blocking the door was moving as the walkers had nearly won this fight and Carl was getting sick of banging the window without anything happening.

"I'll do it." I took the rail away from him as he sat on the edge of the bath. I gave my hardest bang as the moans overthrew the voices inside of my head, making it hard for me to concentrate. It made a few more cracks before it had fully shattered.

"Hurry up." Carl whispered as the shelf was nearly coming lose. Four more hit later and the glass shattered into a million pieces.

"Go!" I shouted as the shelf knocked over and the walkers entered the bathroom one by one. I jumped through the window after Carl and we both rolled down the roof. The walkers were slowly following us but luckily we could run around to the front of the house.

I saw a giant bush in front of the house and I take Carl's hand. "Jump!" We both tumbled into the bushes below us and we made a safe landing. "You okay?" I helped him up.

"Fine, let's keep moving." He said as we both ran away towards the other houses. The moans from the walkers slowly faded away as we ran further down the street and back to where everyone was. We slammed the door shut, starling everyone.

"That took a while, I was starting to get worried." Lori walked up to us and hugged Carl.

"Mom!" Carl moaned.

"Sorry," she ruffled his hair as he ran off to talk to Finley, "what happened?" She put her hands on her hips as she watched Carl in the living room.

"Walkers caught us off guard but we are alright, Carl did good." I said.

"Jesus, Rick." She said softly.

"How are you?" I asked, meaning her and the baby.

"I'm doing okay, I'm just worried for this child." She admitted.

"Me too." I touched her shoulder as we bother enter the living room. That was a close call back there. I hoped we could survive this for the rest of our lives.


"Annabelle, can you help me with this please?" I asked as I tried to hold a piece of wood on the door.

"Sure." She left Finely alone on the floor and came up to help me pin a piece of wood to the door.

"Thanks." I muttered.

She didn't say anything as I quietly hammered the nails into the piece of wood. I had been feeling better ever since I had been stabbed and I was glad that I never left my family in a world like this.

"Mom?" Carl turned to Lori, he didn't look so good.

"Yes?" Lori smiled at her son who held his stomach.

"I don't feel so good." He complained as he crashed onto the couch.

Lori rushed over to him and crouched down to his height. "What is it? Are you hurt?"

He shrugged as he clutched his stomach. Lori felt his forehead, she shook her head. "He doesn't have a fever."

I sighed with relief. I couldn't have my son exposed to a walkers bite. We had a close call back then and next time we might not be so lucky.

"It's just my stomach," Carl mentioned, "it's cramping."

He lied on the couch as Annabelle walked into the room. "Is he okay? He doesn't look good."

Lori shall her head. "He just has a sore stomach, he should be fine if he rests."

Annabelle nodded. "Yes, Carl. You should rest."

Problem solved. Everyone got sick. We couldn't stop that from happening, we just had to be more careful. Lori placed a blanket over Carl as he fell to sleep. I walked into the kitchen and looked out the window that outlooked the quiet backyard. The trees were still and the plants that surrounded the backyard were dead from dehydration. I wondered where we would all be if the walkers hadn't taken over.

Would Lori have fallen for Shane? Would our family still be in tacked? Would Lori still be pregnant? The good side to the world turning to shit was that we had met some amazing people who have helped us. Glenn saved my life. Hershel saved my son's life and Daryl had saved us all.

The wind picked up a bit but it didn't make a difference. I saw no dead bodies walking around and I felt safe. For now.

"I'll get you some soup." Lori whispered as she got herself up and slowly walked over to the kitchen while I walked out. Carl slowly closed his eyes. I hoped he could get through this.


Lori handed Carl a cup of soup. He pushed it away. "You should eat." Lori offered the soup again. Sweat poured from Carl's forehead. I felt his head, the sweat from his head covered my finger.

"He has a fever." I said. Annabelle and Finley stepped back, knowing what it could mean.

"Carl, have you been bit?" Lori whispered but he didn't reply. We checked around his body for any indication that a walker had touched him in any way, shape or form. We didn't find anything. "Carl, sweetie." Lori shook him. He was still breathing but he had either fallen asleep or he was too sleepy to open his eyes for us.

"Carl?" I called but I got nothing in response.

"Rick?" Lori said my name slowly while feeling our son's head as he was still asleep on the couch. "Has he been bit?"

Fighting Walkers - With My Wife (The Walking Dead, Series one - Rick & Lori) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now