Chapter five: Not So Lucky.

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Chapter five: Not So Lucky.

You know the feeling of being watched? We felt that every day. Not just by walkers but by other human beings too. Humans these days seemed to be more dangerous than walkers. All the walkers wanted was your flesh. All humans wanted was your supplies and some weren't that nice.

Right now, I didn't even know if the others are alive. Carl had hope in finding them but I hoped that we could survive long enough that we do.


I guess we were lucky in a way that we had a surgeon here, she seemed like a professional. She saved my life and now she could save our baby.

I woke up and my pain had nearly disappeared. I was happy because I could go on runs to find more supplies for our small group. I still remembered how Glenn saved my ass back in the city, I wasn't sure I was going to see my family again and here they were; sleeping peacefully.

I had been awake for a few hours. The sun started to rise, waking people up. It was hard to sleep in a world like this. We went to sleep hoping this was all a dream but we woke up and realised it was not.

"We should get more supplies." I announced to the group and everyone seemed to agree.

"I'll go." Lori offered.

"No, you need rest. I'll bring Carl." Lori looked worried as I mentioned bringing Carl, but I would be with him.

Lori finally agreed as she hugged Carl goodbye. "Be safe, okay?" Carl nodded as he tucked his gun behind his t-shirt before following me out.

Annabelle and Finley looked like they didn't want to go, I didn't want to force them. Carl and I trailed along the street as houses were piled up for miles. It must have looked amazing before the apocalypse.

"Will mom be alright?" Carl turned to me with a worried look on his face.

"Yes, of course. Why?" I asked.

"Because of the baby especially in a world like this." He said.

"Listen to me," I stopped in my tracks and bent down to Carl's height, "she's going to be fine, we're here to take care of her."

Carl smiled, making me smile. We continued on with our small journey and we found a house that didn't look like it had been touched.

"This one looks good." I commented as Carl got his gun out and aimed it at whatever was inside. I slowly opened the door and walker in, breathing quietly. The floors creaked as we stepped on the wooden floor, and then there was a noise.

We heard a moan coming from the kitchen and it showed itself. "Got it." Carl said while shooting it straight in the head, making no sound. It fell to the ground, making a small thump.

We waited in silence for anymore but, nothing else appeared. "Look for food and water." I directed Carl to the kitchen as he put his gun away and disappeared into the kitchen. I went upstairs with my gun ready, just in case. You never knew, one could be trapped somewhere.

I went into the master bedroom to see if anything important was here but I only found old photographs of the family that once lived here. I turned away and went into the bathroom to see if any water was working, but nothing. I wasn't expecting anything but it was worth a try.

I ran downstairs to see how Carl was doing. I realised he was not even in the house.

"Carl!" I yelled in worry as I went out the back door and I saw him crouching down, patting something.

I walked over. "Carl, I told you to look for food."

"I know but, I found a cat." He showed me the tabby cat as he started rubbing it under the chin.

"Come on, did you find anything?"

He nodded. "Yeah, crackers and a bottle of water."

I sighed, knowing that it was not enough. "Okay, good. Let's continue on at the next house."

"I wish we didn't have to leave animals like this."

I laughed. "Yeah, there's nothing much we can do."

And with that, we walked out of the house and left the cat behind.


"Yes!' Carl cheered in excitement.

"You found something?" I yelled back while looking for toiletry supplies.

"More pudding."

I smiled. "Good, keep it."

He found where I was and I saw him already stuffing his face. I raised my eyebrows at him as he continued to eat. "What? I was hungry."

I laughed. "At least give me some."

He passed me a clean spoon and shared the pudding with me. "That's my boy." I ruffled his hair as we started eating the pudding while sitting at the bottom step of the fourth house we had been in today.

We finished half the pudding before we both felt sick. "We better share some with your mom, you know how much she loves her pudding."

"Especially chocolate." Carl finished and I agreed. We put the pudding in our backpack and as we turned to leave, we heard something coming from outside.

Carl accidently dropped his spoon on the floor and that it made things worse. "They're here." Carl whispered as we stepped away from the door. We knew by now that there were walkers outside, trying to get in. And they did. About twenty walkers came in and when they saw us, we ran.

"Upstairs!" I yelled as Carl ran up first and I followed, trying to shoot as many walkers as I could.

They followed us and as we reached the top, Carl and into the bathroom. "Dad!" He yelled in fear. "In here!" I saw Carl as I ran to the top of the stairs and I saw a trail of walkers following me and tripping over each other. I quickly went to where Carl was and I slammed the door shut and locking it.

Walkers started banging on the door and trying to break it down. "What are we going to do?" Carl asked in fear.

I looked at my surroundings of the master bathroom and turned to Carl to try and find the right answer but I couldn't. I was out options at this point.

I sighed. "I don't know, Carl. I honestly don't know."

Fighting Walkers - With My Wife (The Walking Dead, Series one - Rick & Lori) ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora