Chapter seven: Remembering The Past Like It Was Yesterday.

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Chapter seven: Remembering The Past Like It Was Yesterday.

"No, he hasn't been bit. We were careful." I told my pregnant wife as she crouched down, next to our son.

"He is running a high fever, that's a sign of a walker bite." She said, sounding worried.

"I'll go and get my first aid kit." Annabelle said as she ran to the kitchen and returned in under a minute.

She checked Carl's temperature and his heartbeat. "It might just be a bad case of the flu." She announced while getting up to her normal height.

Lori started pacing the floor, biting her nails. She ran her hands through her thick black hair, thinking. "Then why is his fever so high?" Lori screamed in fear.

"Lori, stay calm." Annabelle whispered, leaving Carl's side.

"Don't tell me to calm down, what if Finley had a fever? Would you be calm?" She yelled, sitting next to Carl again.

I sat myself on the couch, by Carl's feet. He slept peacefully without a care in the world. But he knew it was not all rainbows and butterflies outside these four walls. Annabelle said nothing as she stood by Finely who sat on the floor.

"I can't lose him, Rick." Lori said with tears in her eyes, talking ahold of my hand.

"We won't." I squeezed her hand tighter as I stared deep into her eyes, hoping she would know that everything would be okay.

She ran her hands through her hair again in worry. I always knew when she was worried or afraid. I had been married to her for a while now and it was a connection that we shared with each other. I remembered when I first laid my eyes on her. We were back in college and she was so shy and it made me fall in love with her every second of every beautiful day.

Life was good.

We soon got married and we celebrated our future and what was to come, soon enough she got pregnant. But it wasn't with Carl. Lori had a miscarriage when she fell down a flight of stairs at her parents' house one Thanksgiving and she didn't want to try and get pregnant ever. We would always use protection whenever we made love, but soon enough, she got pregnant again.

We were terrified of the outcome. She could have easily had another miscarriage, but we were very careful around stairs. And nine months later, Carl was born.

He was a happy boy filled with laughs and smiles and it always brought me joy every time I saw him. He was my world and I knew that Lori felt the same. If we ever lost Carl, I didn't know how I would ever forgive myself. Lori would never be the same and our relationship would never be the same as it was back in college because without Carl, we were not happy. I never wanted my son to have to go through this. We were always on the run, fighting these things that we called walkers.

Now our group was missing and it was just the three of us with others tagging along. I had one job and one job only. And that was to protect my family.


"He's not getting any better, Rick." Lori said as she still sat by Carl. She hadn't moved from where he was a few hours ago.

"It's only been a few hours, give him time to recover." I said softly, hoping she would calm down. I was worried that she was stressing too much, she had to keep stress free for the baby's sake.

"I'll quickly run to the store that is a few blocks from here, maybe there is something that I can find to calm his fever down," Annabelle offered, "it doesn't look like he is getting any better and I can pick up a few extras if we find any."

I shook my head. "You don't have to do that, Annabelle." I declined, I couldn't have her death on my hands.

"No, please." She smiled while getting a backpack together.

I sighed. "If it isn't too much trouble."

"It's not. I'll take Finley with me. We have been alone since the very beginning so I think we'll be fine." She said.

I nodded, understanding. "Okay, thank you."

She nodded, zipping up her bag. "Finely, let's go." She flung her bag over her back as Finely only carried her knife. They left the three of us in an empty house.

I turned to Lori who was stroking our son's head, he was still sleeping as he slightly moved.

Lori left him and walked towards me as I leaned against the wall that was facing the living room. "What is he gets sicker?"

I took her hand. "Stop thinking like that."

"I just can't help it." She sighed.

"Just focus on taking care of yourself. Let me worry about it." I tried to reassure her in a way that could ease the stress on herself.

I remembered our very first date. It was candle light dinner at an expensive restaurant. I remembered the way her eyes sparkled in the moonlight and how her laugh would ring in my ear drums like a simple melody. I hadn't heard that laugh in a very long time, it felt like she was silencing herself from everything. Maybe she felt like she couldn't be happy anymore because we were always watching our backs.

"I'm trying, Rick." She said as she looked over to Carl who slept peacefully.

"I know." I squeezed her hand.

The memories might just keep me going.


"They have been gone a while." Lori added as we sat in the living room.

She was right. They had been gone for hours. I hoped they hadn't run into any trouble. But I doubt that.

"How far is the drug store from here?" She asked, drinking a cup of soup.

"A few miles, I should probably go after them." I sighed as I got my gun ready.

"I'm sure they are fine." She said.

"Maybe they aren't," I shrugged as checked my gun once more, "I'll be back, stay here and stay safe." I walked over to my wife and Yale her a small kiss on the cheek.

"Come back." She whispered to me as I headed out of the living room.

I climbed out of a small window that hadn't been boarded up. I was not sure where I was going but wherever it was, I knew walkers were coming for me.

Fighting Walkers - With My Wife (The Walking Dead, Series one - Rick & Lori) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now