Chapter nine: Distant Memories.

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Chapter nine: Distant Memories.

Where were they? They couldn't have just disappeared like that. How long was I gone? It wasn't that long, was it?

I kept picturing my family's face inside of my mind as I rushed away from the house. I headed onto the road, looking left and right. I couldn't have lost them again. It took all my strength to find them last time and now they had gone in a blink of my eye. I shouldn't have left them, I should have being there.

Why did I leave? Oh right, to find Annabelle and Finley which were nowhere to be found.

"Carl, Lori?" I shouted, hoping nothing deadly was around. I looked at the rows of houses that stood around me, it was like the world was upside down and I didn't know which way was up. I raced over to the next house where I saw a shadow loaming around the window. I got my gun ready and headed up the stairs to the patio where I opened the door.

I looked left and right only to find a single walker in the living room. It came at me ready to eat my flesh but in one shot, it fell to the ground, looking lifeless. I ran my fingers through my hair in distress. I didn't know where my family was.

They're missing.


I stayed in my spot, by the window. Just looking for any sign of human life. But nothing. It was still. The walkers next door have seemed to calm down. Nothing was making a sound, it was like they were not even there.

I thought I should stay right here just in case they came back. I also thought I should move and find them but it was not that easy, especially without cell phones and contacting devices. My wife was smart enough to come back unless she was looking for me too.

I couldn't take it anymore. I was going after them.

I headed outside and it was quiet. Too quiet. I looked at my surroundings to find nothing that led me to their whereabouts. Where would she go if a whole lot of walkers were coming at them? Maybe she went into another house.

I walked across to the next street, there were many houses that looked exactly the same as the one we were staying at. I opened a door to find no walkers in sight.

"Lori, Carl?" I shouted in a whisper as I trailed upstairs and looked inside the bedrooms and bathrooms. I looked out of the window of the main bedroom and looked out at the quiet street.

All I noticed was the wind blowing the leaves around the street with nobody in sight. I then looked to the left of the window as I noticed a herd of walkers stumbling by.

I stayed completely still as I watched about seventy or eighty walkers tripping over themselves as they carefully walked by, their moans blocked my thoughts as it echoed throughout the street where I stood at.

My pupils went in the direction where the walkers were trailing past the house, they had no idea I was standing above them just watching. I needed to think of my next move to find my family.

The last set of walkers finally moved past the house and it was silent again. I raced to the bathroom to find a leaking tap dripping drinkable water. I took a spare drink bottle from my bag and I placed it underneath the tap and let it drip all of the left over water.

Once my bottle was half full, I took a single drink. It felt good as the cold water rushed down my throat and into my body. I couldn't remember the last time I had a good meal with a sip of cold beer to go with it.

I pictured all the Friday nights when Lori, Carl and I would go out for a late dinner, we would always choose a different cuisine every time we went. Italian was Carl's favourite, he would always choose pizza every time we chose the Italian cuisine. Lori loved the Chinese cuisine, she loved all the different variety of Asian foods to choose from. As for me, I didn't have a favourite. I would always let Lori and Carl choose every Friday. It was a nice surprise whatever they chose. Even when Lori and I were arguing, we would also go out anyways because of our son.

Now it was just a Distant Memory.


I quietly went out to the evening air, it was getting darker and no sign of my family. They should have come back by now, if they were still alive. I didn't know how long they could survive out there alone, especially in Carl's condition. He wasn't doing too well the last time I saw him.

It was pitch black and I didn't know where to start. It was a very long street and walkers walked very slow.

I turned to my right and see the last walker turn the other way until something bright shined their way. The walker stopped and turned slowly to where the light was being shined.

It was coming from a car.

I could hear the sound of the car's engine and I could feel it slow down as it spotted the group of walkers. Whoever it was, they're not safe. I heard a moan from every single walker as they hurried towards the car that didn't move.

"Move!" I yelled but I quickly realised that the enemy was closer to the car than I thought. The car backed up and the light had gone but the walkers could feel my presence. Where I went, they would know where I was so I ran the other direction.

I needed to find that car and I needed to find my family. Safe and sound.


Running in the same direction could be tiring, I knew the walkers were on my tail and I knew I had to outrun them if I wanted to survive. I was not leaving my family yet. I came towards a dead end where walkers were everywhere. They must have split up and gone in every direction or more walkers had emerged in this attack.

How did they get that smart? Or maybe it was just my bad luck. If I turned left, more walkers were coming for me. If I turned right, more walkers were coming for me. I was trapped. I didn't have enough bullets to take them all down by myself. They were all moaning for the taste of human flesh. My flesh.

There was no way out.

Fighting Walkers - With My Wife (The Walking Dead, Series one - Rick & Lori) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now