Chapter fourteen: Going Down.

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Chapter fourteen: Going Down.

I was definitely sure that the movement outside these walls wasn't a walker. "We've been here for a while." Michonne mentioned, clutching his gun. "Maybe whatever it was has gone."

I nodded as I still stared at the door, thinking about what I heard. It had been silent for a while but it was better to be safe than sorry. After a few more minutes, I finally decided that we should leave this building otherwise the walkers would soon find out that we were here.

"Let's go." I whispered as we slowly approached the door.

I pushed it open, making it squeak and echo throughout the corridors. We turned to where the exit was and quickly raced through a few more corridors before we reached the exit. I looked out a small window that looked out towards the forest. We must be at the back of the building because I didn't see a heard of walkers anymore or the police car we hid behind.

I slowly turned the handle, making it squeak again. And out of nowhere, a walker banged against the glass of the window.

"Shit!" I jumped back, getting a fright. It looked like it was just the one walker and we could easily take down.

"I got it." Michonne opened the door and sliced the walker in half, making it crash onto the ground. She poked her head outside to check if any other surprises were coming for us. "All clear." She smiled at me as she headed outside. I soon followed while carrying a bag of supplies on my back.

We headed back into the forest where we continued our journey, not knowing where we were headed.


We were slowly trailing away from the police station in silence. It felt like silence was the only thing that I heard these days. I wanted to be able to hear a plane roar above me, I wanted to be able to hear music again like I always used to. It would be so much simpler if life was normal but things had obviously changed.

I started kicking the gravel on the concrete as we continued our journey. I remembered how Carl used to do that. "Did you see anyone get out?" I asked the question that had been lingering in my mind for a while now.

"After I killed the governor, I never looked back. I just carried on to where I thought I saw you head." Michonne explained.

I nodded. "We had a good place for a while." I was honestly disappointed about the prison being ruined by the governor. We would have been willing to live in the same place as the people who tried to kill us. We just needed a safe place to stay for my family and our group. Now we were all split up and I didn't know if anyone else was alive. I still thought about Lori and Carl every day. I hoped they were safe and sound somewhere without any drama.

I suddenly looked up towards the sky where I heard a loud noise. "That sounds like something is in the air." Michonne looked up with me.

I saw something small in the distance, like a plane. Oh, how I was happy that something was making so much noise. I had been wanting to hear that sound ever since the apocalypse started. We stopped in our tracks to see smoke coming towards the ground.

"It's a plane!" I yelled as the noise was banging my eardrums. "And it's coming down!"

Michonne and I ducked into the woods where the plane got closer and closer to the ground. It dived into the other side of the forest, making a sound that I had been missing. We watched the plane crash into the woods and we soon followed it as we heard no sound anymore. We raced to the other side of the forest with our guns in our hands.

It took us a few minutes of running before we reached the crashed plane. It was smoking and we could see a little bit of fire coming from the end of the place, making us cough a little bit as we got closer. Someone was obviously steering this plane, we weren't the only survivors out there.

It was very rare to meet other survivors in a world like this. They could be dangerous and most people were in order to survive. This world changed people. It changed me for sure.

We examined the plane, Michonne was on the other side while I was looking in the windows on the opposite side. I didn't seen anybody at first until I saw some movement. It could be anything.

"There's someone in here." I shouted to Michonne while looking around the area for any walkers. There weren't any in sight. I opened the door that had been ripped open and I cautiously entered the plane.

It was foggy at first but it soon cleared as I wave it away. I walked through the passage to find one dead body, and a shit load of stuff that was scattered everywhere. I went to the end of the isle where I saw the movement. The smoke cleared even more as someone was revealed.

A man was trapped in his seatbelt, hardly moving. I couldn't see him that much but he looked a lot like Glenn and I thought it was him for a minute but it wasn't. He had black hair and a face like Glenn's.

I examined the man for any walker bites. I checked his pulse and he was very much alive. I didn't detect any walker bites on this unknown boy and he wasn't about to turn into one. I didn't recognise him but he looked young. More like a teenager.

I unbuckled his seatbelt, freeing him. "Hey!" I shook him to wake him up.

A fire started to get more aggressive as I pulled the boy out. I dragged him outside where Michonne stood.

"Is he alive?" She asked as I dropped him gently onto the ground.

"He is but he's unconscious." I said.

The boy suddenly moved and opened his eyes. I knelt down to where he was wide awake. He jolted up and looked around his surroundings.

"What happened?" He asked. "Who are you?"

"My name is Rick. Who are you?" I asked.

"My name is Robert." He said as he rubbed his eyes.

"Who was steering the plane?" Michonne asked.

"My friend." He said as Michonne went to check it out. She soon came out, shaking her head. His friend didn't make it.

"Robert, what were you doing in a plane?" I asked him as he was about to burst into tears.

"I was searching for someone." He said softly.

"For who?" I asked, curious of the answer.

He coughed before answering. "My brother, Glenn Rhee."

Fighting Walkers - With My Wife (The Walking Dead, Series one - Rick & Lori) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now