Chapter 14: Whereabouts

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Heading towards the south side of the continent of Anima, the bullhead flies over a secluded and hidden town safe from Atlas or White Fang. The town was known as Seventh Heaven. The bullhead lands at the open space a few walks away from the town as Avalanche walks out, along with Cloud who looks on at the town. Weiss follows behind as she breaks silence. 

Weiss: This is Seventh Heaven?... Seems a bit... barren. 

Cloud: ... Come on. 

Both Cloud and Weiss follow the members of Avalanche towards town. Jessie, Biggs, and Wedge both return to their homes while Cloud and Weiss keep on following Barret towards the bar. A little girl named Marlene was outside as she runs towards her father. 

Marlene: Daddy, you're home!

Barret picks her up as the two were laughing and hugging at the same time. 

Barret: I am, my little angel. What did you do today?

Marlene: I helped Tifa with alot of cleaning. 

Barret: That's my girl. 

Marlene: Daddy, did you get the bad guys?

Barret: We did, but it's just the beginning. 

Both father and daughter walk inside the bar as Tifa walks up to Cloud. 

Tifa: Cloud, you're back... And are you-

Weiss: Aren't you that girl who was in Vale that day?

Tifa: ... I was gonna ask the same thing. Well, seems like you two know each other. 

Cloud: We're more like acquaintances. We were only placed in different teams and were a couple dorms away from her team. 

Weiss: Can you not be subtle and stubborn?... Anyway, you two seemed to be wanting some time alone, so I'll head inside. 

Weiss then walks up the stairs as Tifa looks over at Cloud, who was quiet about everything. 

Cloud: ...

Tifa: What's wrong?

Cloud: ... About the acquaintances part... part of that wasn't true. 

Tifa: I suspected. 

Cloud: ... You did?

Tifa: Well, before everything that happened in Vale... I did meet one of her teammates, but we barely talked to each other since... everything was not going well. 

Cloud: That's in the past. We should focus on what's important. 

Tifa: Right... So, what will you do now?

Cloud: ... After I collect my money, I plan on going to Mistral with Weiss. Something may happen up there and I get the feeling the White Fang might attack at anytime. 

Tifa: Are you sure?

Cloud: .. Well, it's more of a guess, but yeah. 

Tifa: Well, if you're going with here, I should come too. 

Cloud: Are you sure? 

Tifa: Barret and Avalanche barely knows of Weiss, so they won't fully trust them. Not only that, but we only know about Mako as much as they do. 

Cloud: Whatever's at Mistral, Mako isn't involved in this... At least, I hope so. 

Tifa: No matter how much you say no, I'm still going with you. You can't stop me. 

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