𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒯𝒽𝓇𝑒𝑒

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"Taetae!" Taejoon heard a familiar voice from behind her. 

"You're late Soonyoung." She scowled. 

"It's only by fifteen minutes hyung. Gimme a break huh?" He wiggled his eyebrows at her. 

"You're a nut." She pinched the tip of his ear. 

"Owww. Hyung you're so mean!" 

"Kwon Soonyoung if you're late one more time your ass is fired!" Taejoon heard their boss yell from the back. 

"He always says that." Hoshi giggled. 

"Soonyoung..." Joon warned. 

"Why can't you just call me Hoshi like everyone else does?" He pouted at her as he buttoned up his vest. 

"It's your name, isn't it?" She eyed him as she poured espresso shots into a glass. 

"Well, yeah, but I like Hoshi better." He gave her his signature puppy eyes. 

"Hoshi Hamster it is." She giggled. 

"Noooooo!" He wailed. "I'm a tiger." 

Taejoon snorted and left the conversation as it was, going up to Mingyu. 

"Hey you." She poked him in the side, and he screamed, making the customers laugh. 

Mingyu was a very intriguing person to Joon. He was very tall and handsome, and he had a beautiful tan skin color. Regardless of how attractive he was, Mingyu was a hot mess. He was notorious for being clumsy and mixing up orders. Not to mention he would get shy when customers would flirt with him. It was supposed to be the other way around. However, all of his faults worked out in his favor as the customers thought his antics were adorable. Plus, Joon always got a rouse out of teasing him.

"How are you today, Puppy?" Taejoon smiled at him as he gathered himself. 

"I think I'm alright, I've only broken one cup so far." He grinned. 

"Good boy." She patted his head as the customers let out strings of 'Awww's. 

Taejoon's shift was the same as always. Flirt with the customers, cute interactions with her coworkers for customers entertainment. It was all part of the job. 

She even started teaching Dino the basics on brewing the perfect coffee. He was doing so well that the boss said he had the potential to earn a job there when he was a bit older. 

After her shift, Taejoon and Dino went back to school to pick up Jaemin. 

Jeno and Haechan walked up to the car with Jaemin. 

"Hey Min, how was school?" Tae asked her brother. 

"Eh, it was fine." 

"What's Crybaby Chan doing in your car?" Haechan scoffed. 

Dino cowered in his seat. 

"Hyuck you better apologize before I give you a bloody nose." Tae warned. 

"Sorry Noona, I'll try to think before I talk next time." Haechan bowed at her and Chan. 

Jaemin cleared his throat. 

"Yes, Na number three?" She giggled. 

"I hate it when you call me that. Can Jen and Hyuck ride home with us? We were gonna work on homework together." He asked, tugging a piece of Taejoon's hair. 

"That's fine, get in the back." 

"But I always sit in the front." Jaemin fussed. 


"No ma'am." He mumbled, getting into the back seat with his friends. 

She shook her head in annoyance and drove off to Chan's house. 

"Thank you for taking care of me hyung. Have a good day." Dino smiled and walked into his house. 

"Finally." Haechan scoffed. 

"Why don't you like him?" Taejoon turned around and glared at the boys. 

"Because he's a loser. He gets perfect grades and cries when people pick on him." 

"I thought you were better than that." She turned around disappointed. 

"Jeno, you can have the front seat." She sighed. 

"Ok Noona." He bowed his head at her and climbed into the passenger seat. 

"You only let him have the front seat cause he's your favourite." Jaemin hissed. 

"Get out of my car." She said calmly. 


"You heard me." 

Jaemin climbed out of the car and Taejoon sped off before he could say anything else. 

"Are you gonna go back for him?" Jeno asked her quietly. 

"No, he can walk home." 

"What if he gets lost?" Hyuck asked. 

"Boys please, he'll be ok. Do you want chicken for dinner?" 

"Dinner?" Hyuck tilted his head to the side.

"You'll be staying the night, right?" She winked at him and he blushed. 

"If that's alright, then yes." Jeno nodded nervously. 

"Guys, please, relax. I'm not a bad person. He's just my little brother and he's irritating." She pouted as she drove to the chicken stop. 

They nodded although Haechan was still blushing. 

Taejoon bought more than enough chicken to feed everyone and went home. 

She walked into the house to find Jeonghan in her living room conversing with her parents. 

"Oh, Taejoon, you're home! Your boyfriend brought Jaemin home because he found him wandering the streets. Isn't he just the sweetest?" Her mom pinched Hannie's cheek. 

"Mom, you know Han's not my boyfriend... And I left Jaemin to die on the sidewalk cause he was being a bitch." Joon stated. 

"Oh, come on baby. Don't be like that." Jeonghan got up from the couch to come hug her. 

"Don't make me kill you." Joon threatened. 

"Is that chicken I smell?" 

"Kids! Dinner!" Mr. Na yelled. 

Jaemin, Hyemi, and Minghao came downstairs. 

"Jaemin sweetie, were you being a bitch to Taejoon earlier?" Mrs. Na asked her son. 

 Jaemin spit out his soda all over Minghao.

"Haohao!" The twins shouted, both blotting the soda off their other brother.

"I'm fine, it was an accident." The sweet boy smiled. 

Minghao was an exchange student from China that had been staying with them for five years. Or at least it started off that way. He eventually gained dual citizenship and the Na's adopted him because they loved him like another son and his birth parents hated him for being gay. He was currently a junior in high school and worked with Hyemi at the daycare down the street. 

"Are you sure you're ok hyung? I really didn't mean to do that." Jaemin apologized. 

"I promise it's alright, but were you really being rude to my bestie today?" He suddenly got serious. 

"Not on purpose!" Jaemin squeaked, suddenly scared. 

The thing about Minghao was that he was very sweet most of the time, but if you pissed him off, he would let loose the fiery rage of Satan. 

"Sleep with one eye open tonight." Minghao smiled sweetly. 

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