𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓣𝓱𝓲𝓻𝓽𝔂-𝓕𝓸𝓾𝓻

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Joshua walked back into the kitchen a little after the others did, having taken care of his 'problem' and changed into pjs. 

He quietly sat down at the table, but before his ass touched the chair, Joon spoke to him. 

"Shua, grab the crab from the freezer for me and start defrosting it in the sink please." She asked, not even looking up from what she was doing. 

"O-oh.. Okay." He replied nervously.

He did as he was asked and stood out of the way, waiting to help anyone else if they needed him.

"Damn Joonie, that smells orgasmic." Jeonghan groaned once they had finished cooking. 

"You aren't wrong." Cheol nodded as Joon put the pan in the middle of the table. 

"Dig in before it gets cold

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"Dig in before it gets cold." Joon made herself a plate and sat down in Shua's lap, much to his surprise. 

"Oh, um... yup." He nervously grabbed his bowl. 

"Why are you acting weird?" 

"Like you weren't planning on fleeing the country earlier." Jeonghan laughed under his breath. 

"I will fucking tie you down and rip your piercings out one by one to make you suffer you fucking bitch." Taejoon swore in Mandarin.

"That's not fair. You can't just yell at me in a language I don't know. How can I defend myself?" Jeonghan pouted, sitting down next to Cheol who nodded. 

"He's kinda right." 

"Be lucky I don't do it too." Shua snorted. 

"But you don't get mad Josh." Han pointed his chopsticks at him. 

"He does when he's being protective." Cheol snorted. 

Joon blushed, though she pretended to be fine so the others wouldn't notice. 

"Can we change topics?" Joshua asked quietly. 

"Sure, are you guys ready for your final tomorrow?" Han saved the day. 

"I think so?" Cheol said nervously.

"You'll do fine hon. I've seen how hard you've been studying this past week." Joon smiled, slurping up a big mouthful of noodles.

"You're still talking about Shua the book worm." Cheol rolled his eyes. 

"Hey, don't sell yourself short. Yeah, I've been hitting the books hard, but you've been right there with me doing the same." 

"You could always skim Joonie's notes, I'm sure she's got everything you need." Han giggled. 

"No I don't." Joon blushed. 

"Biggest lie in history." Cheol threw a crab leg at her. 

"I've seen you, I know you got that textbook memorized and you constantly take notes when the professor is talking." Shua reached for the crab leg that Cheol threw.

"Ok fine... I'm overprepared..." Joon sighed.

"NERD!" Jeonghan and Seungcheol both shouted while Joshua giggled. 

"I hate every one of you. You can do the dishes yourselves. I'm gonna go hide my study guide." 

"NOOOOO!" The boys wailed.. Well Cheol and Shua did, Jeonghan just laughed. 

"I literally didn't do anything though." Joshua gave a rare pout. 

"Fine... I might let you read my study guide, come on." Joon rolled her eyes and pulled him with her to her bedroom. 

"Should they really be left alone right now?" Cheol asked Han as they began to put away food. 

"Don't make me worry. They are both adults... Who happen to like each other.... What could possibly go wrong?" Jeonghan began to sweat. 

"Dude, let's just hurry up and then crash their study party. I'll find a movie to bring." 


The two of them did the dishes as fast as they possibly could. 

Things went smoothly the rest of the night. Seungcheol dragged a sleepy Joshua to his room so Han and Joon could sleep with enough room. Sure they often slept three to the bed, but Cheol just wanted to make sure things wouldn't feel awkward in the morning. 

Jeonghan decided to wake up early for once and go make breakfast for the others, they had a big day after all. 

He heated up some kimchi in a pan with eggs and ham, along with throwing together a pot of miso soup cause it was Taejoon's favourite. 

Taejoon came out of her room first, fully dressed and ready for the day. 

"Who are you?" She stopped when she saw who was cooking

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"Who are you?" She stopped when she saw who was cooking.

"Uhh.... Depends on who wants to know. I go by many names. Daddy, Baby Boy, Cum slut-" Jeonghan shrugged. 

"Yeah, nevermind stop. I regret asking." She groaned in frustration. 

Jeonghan chuckled and went back to cooking. 

"I'm gonna go wake the boys, don't catch anything on fire." 

"You got it boss." 

Taejoon rolled her eyes and stalked off to fetch the others. 

Seungcheol was laying on his stomach snoring softly and peacefully in his bed when Joon marched in. 

She peeled back his covers and slapped his ass as hard as she could without hurting her hand. 

Cheol let out a very unusual squeak of surprise and pain. 

"What the fuck is your problem?" He whined, rubbing his sore butt. 

"It was for good luck. Time to get up, we got a big day ahead of us." She told him as she left the room. 

"Josh! Come on get up. We got important shit today." She yelled into Shua's room, waiting until he moved before going back to the kitchen. 

Shua sat up in bed and rubbed his eyes. He missed when she used to climb into his bed and cuddle him before waking him up gently. What had happened to them? 

He sighed and got dressed. 

"Morning losers, I made breakfast." Jeonghan said affectionately. 

"Do you think they'll let us retake the exam if we die halfway through from poisoning?" Cheol asked Shua. 

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