My Nightmare

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"Steve's got her, don'cha big boi" Eddie whispered into your ear

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"Steve's got her, don'cha big boi" Eddie whispered into your ear.

I take a breath and a gasp is released. That's one of my favorites to wake up to.

I don't got her, I don't have you.

I wake up, another night of dreams. Eddie Munson. He filled my mind, my heart and even sometimes my wettest of dreams. It wasn't till he was gone that I realized how much I needed someone.

Three years...

Hawkins had ate away at me for three years. Pining for one girl or another, thrown out and tossed aside. I was the resident King Steve, always the bridesmaid never the bride, isn't that the saying. I am glad I saved some...

I lost more...

Sure, I was a protector, I was a fighter, but at the end of the day I came home to an empty room, to a house filled with nothing. Where was my warm embrace, where was my happy ending....

Well the fairy tale kind.

Eddie Munson. His vest is still hanging in my closet, I sometimes get so high in it that I feel like he's there. An imaginary safety net, he tells me to stop, that I have to let him go. I will not, it's not that I cannot.

I do not want to lose the only thing I have left. It was time for Steve to stand his ground, let my body rot, let me go down in a glorious drug induced splendor. Maybe they will take pity on me, let me join him.

Back to reality

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Back to reality....

I open my eyes, not sure where I am, unfamiliar skin is next to me, they are covered in a sheen of sweat, the same I have seen almost every day. I count the days, I used to make marks on my arms, then that got dangerous and then Dustin found them.

I look down and see that I did it again, a cut across my bicep, the small pain taking me back to that day. The day Eddie Munson came into my life. head was throbbing...the pain echoing and filling me with a taste of life.

"Baby, go back to sleep...." the voice was definitely female... she just call me a pet name. Man, I must have been gone last night, I don't like clingy partners. I don't want someone else to lose.

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