D is for Desire

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Erica told us we were meeting our new manager today. She was waiting for us down by the recording wing. We both grimaced at another female manager, all of the others had wore too much perfume and flung themselves at Gareth or myself.

Erica assured us that wasn't the case with this one. She had been a mentor for Erica in college and was one of the top managers in music. She did warn she recently got into a bit of legal trouble so she was a bit sensitive to things, especially when it came to us and how we flirted with others. She wanted us to be on our best behavior.

Looking over I see a well dressed girl, she has thick framed glasses and modest clothing. She didn't stand out and it was nice. She turned and saw us, she softly smiled and waved.

Gareth sighed, "damn."

I looked at him and saw sadness still there, you weren't sure if it was the night prior or it was just him not being with Maggie anymore. I patted him on the shoulder as we see Coel barreling through the lobby, her yellow bass gripped to her back. She was at least less greasy this time.

"Morning." My voice was a bit rough, I had smoked almost a pack of cigarettes with Gareth last night, he liked the smell and second hand smoke, it was almost like he was smoking to. The discussion had gotten lighter as the night went on. We talked about a new song and with new albums.

"Hi!" She was smiling ear to ear. You notice this makes Gareth smile to, maybe a female bass player would be okay. She reminded you of Robin. Actually Robin would love her, she would make probably hang off her and call her some nickname like her little yellow flower.

"Ready to be part of the band?" Gareth looked at her and raised an eyebrow. She started to hop up and down. Nope she definitely would be some small yellow woodland animal.

We all three walked over to the new manager and readied myself for the... oh your so much more handsome in real life comments ...

"Good Morning, I am your new band manager. My name is Theodora Rex. I have reviewed your schedule and would like to check if the plans for today and tomorrow still meet your needs." She handed Gareth and myself a sheet of paper, the schedule was color coated.

Gareth studied it and then looked at her, "Breaks are pink?"

"The color stands out. Did you have another color preference?" She smiled at him, "I can also print two different schedules... or three if Coel will be more permanent now?"

"You don't have to do that, I was just wondering why pink?" Gareth bit his lip and then smirked, "if I need to make a change how do I do that?"

Oh no. The lip bite meant he was thinking about flirting. She didn't seem flustered or even realize what he was doing. She nodded, "I can make changes at the time, your time is important so whatever you need, with the exception of impacts to the label's time are welcome."

She then looked past us and started waving. I turned my head and sighed as Erica hurried over to us, pushing past Gareth and I to embrace her, "Teddy!"

I smirked at Gareth's face at her nickname, "down boy."


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