N is for Never

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Another two weeks later...

The fight with Gareth started a never-ending cycle, either he or I would start in on how much the other was annoying the other one

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The fight with Gareth started a never-ending cycle, either he or I would start in on how much the other was annoying the other one. We had never fought like this, it was starting to distress everyone around us. It got to the point where Teddy had to be the intermediary for us.

The emotional build up would lead to some great recording sessions, but then we wouldn't talk after leaving the studio. I would go home and just throw myself into practicing and drinking. Teddy would make sure to cater breakfast and lunch, stating I looked like "shit" and needed someone to take care of me.

I rolled my eyes at her and that would set Gareth off more. He would make comments like I was being "ungrateful" or a "brat" to which I would sigh. Why is it so hard to just understand that I want to be left alone. Let me starve, let me play my fingers to the bone, let me be.

The more Teddy didn't push the more I felt like Gareth would push. The two of them made me feel claustrophobic, suffocated by their feelings and their wants. It was crazy how they called me names but still imposed their views of how I am supposed to deal with my own pain.

I wanted to not feel like this, but I was starting to regret everything for the past eight years. Like I was slowly going to fizzle out without completing what I had intended. I wanted to show the world that Eddie Munson lived, that he was alive and left this world a worse place.

No one got that. I thought Gareth did. I found myself looking towards harder drugs when I thought about Gareth, when I see his face so contorted with disgust at me. The pain that we both are so split on this that the only thread of friendship is when we both are lost in our music.

Both the new songs made it through the investors and Erica's reviews. We recorded them and "Inconsiderate Skank" debutted at the top of all the music charts. Teddy had pushed a bunch of press back due to our little stall. She didn't want the public to see their favorite rock stars fighting.

I felt a pat on my shoulder, breaking me from my own spiraling thoughts.

"Steve. Eat." Teddy pointed at some crackers she had brought by with peanut butter on them. She was the same, sharing that moment with us didn't change her. It was strange how professional she was, I could tell it was eating away at Gareth. He craved the touch of others, so much that it made him endearing. I can say honestly I missed him at the apartment. I had heard he was staying with Coel.

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