It's only the beginning

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A notification pops up on my phone whilst I'm scrolling through my tiktok I half swipe the message just to see it's Shuri who's been M.I.A for weeks and hasn't even messaged me at all.

So far so good right I helped her through so much during her loss even though we never dated it still felt like we were something you know but you can never figure out ppl you know.

But back to the message, I read it with shock and absolute heartbreak she said she thinks we need to take a step back and go our separate ways which is confusing because we were never a "thing" if you get what I mean but all I could do was leave the message on opened and call Ayesha and tell her everything.

Fast forward two weeks, and I've just been in my apartment doing schoolwork just to distract myself to the point I finished my whole mid-term classwork and I have nothing to do but, overthink all my life problems and try and get over everything, the first step is to change my look but not too big you know maybe dye my hair and get some new makeup products, which I accomplished the next day so I have time to go out Friday evening so I can finally feel free.
I text Ayesha
Are you free Friday at 6:30 pm
She replies yeah? Why are you good Monet
I reply
Yeah and finish your homework, and also text the others and be prepared, ok love you byee 💕

Now I'm going to have to make my way to Chicago I need to pack before I leave since Ayesha and the rest are still on campus I need to find a way there real quick, and I can also set up with RiRi and give her the stuff for her project and maybe even catch up before I go out, ok enough thinking and more packing now to concentrate I need music so I pick softcore by the neighbourhood on Spotify.

now I am starting to plan my trip to Chicago and book my overly late flight over there and pack my bags so I can be ready for tomorrow morning I check the time and see it's 9:30 PM and my flight for 8:30 AM so I need to get to bed like now, I change into PJs and switch off everything and charge my phone and Airpods for the flight I slowly drifted off to sleep.

Y'all who acc decides in under 48 hours there going to go to a whole different state if only mannn 😃😣

Heartbreaker Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant