Another trip

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I get to the mall and see my friends standing there waiting for me to speak.
"So all of you might be wondering why I made you guys come to the mall on such short notice," I say

"Of course, I'm wondering," Chrystal speaks up

"Same for the rest of us." Irvnia replies

"Ok so what do you guys think about spending the rest of your holiday in a whole different country?" I ask them

"Is that even a question," they shout

"We want to go!" they say

"But where are we going?" Diara asks

"That's a surprise so let's shop and we need to pack I have the flight covered," I tell them
After going from store to store we eventually shopped till we dropped and we were starving so we got food and sat down and ate our food that's when the topic of why the sudden trip but I just didn't want to explain everything yet that's when a chime sound came out from the phone perfect timing I thought to myself,
unknown number

Hey how are u

Again, what's with all these unknown numbers calling or messaging me I'm going to lose it

Who are you? I reply

Unknown number: The guy from the club

Monet: Wait hold up how did you get my number? I ask

Unknown number: I have my ways 😌he replies

Monet: Wait but seriously how do u still remember me?

Unknown number: Well, who can forget the pretty girl who was practically hanging on for dear life at the busiest club in Chicago?😔😭

Monet: It's acc, not funny but thank you for helping me. 💕😂 I reply

Unknown number: No problem I'm currently at the mall with my sister so I gtg she dragging me into urban outfitters.😔 he replies

Monet: Wait the mall? I ask

Unknown number: Yep the mall is like a huge shopping centre where there's like lots of shops😂 he replies

Monet: Ok, number 1 Ik what a Mall is, because I'm at one right now number 2 you ARE NOT FUNNY, I lied ur kind of funny😒

Unknown number: Wait did u just say I'm funny now I've accomplished something in life 😎 he says

Monet: I'm going to go now my friends are on my case currently but I need ur name to save it to my contacts. I reply

Unknown number: My name is  unknown guy, I'm kidding it's Xavier what's yours? He says

Monet: Monet my name is Monet. I say

Unknown number: Monet that's a cute name I've saved it btw bye.

Monet: Bye Xavier

Xavier 😒 new contact

"Earth to Monet who are you texting we're about to leave we need to pack don't we?"Chrystal says

"Oh yeah sorry we can go should I book the Uber and also will pack at my hotel ok so will stop at your campus so you can get anything else you need."

They all so it's cool and we clear our table and get ready to leave as we do so I walk away from the table and call Nakia.

Ring ring ring the phone vibrates
Monet, how are you? She asks

"I'm great Nakia but I'm going to need u to do something for me."

"What is it, Monet?" she asks me with a worried tone

"I kind of need you to get me a flight from Chicago to Wakanda with my friends as well," I say

"Monet, you want to go back to Wakanda are you feeling well?" she asks baffled

"I'm fine Nakia also do you know where the spare keys for the apartment there are?" I ask

"Yes I can organize a flight but I will need to get Okoye involved so she can get you guys, the keys are at the palace so you might have to stay there first," she says

"Are u sure we have to stay at the palace I don't want people to know I'm back around I can just go pick them up and then leave to go to the apartment there 6 rooms so I'm sure will be fine?" I ask

"Sure but it will be dark remember that Monet," she says sternly

"Yes I know that Thank you, Nakia, I love you so much also I sent Toussaint some toys before I left for Chicago so they should get to Haiti soon," I say

We end the call and I turn around to my friends and say "the flight is sorted and so is the place where staying." I tell them

"God bless Monet," Ayesha says

We walk out of the mall and get into the Uber the girls get down when they get to campus
Minutes later, they're back down with more stuff they place it in the boot of the Uber and get back in the Uber when we get back to my hotel we immediately start unpacking all our stuff and transferring them to our suitcases.

"Monet were ever were going we have to be outside like proper city girls we are," Diara says

"Yes we have to." irvina says

"Sure will go out," I say to them

I tell them to go downstairs to get themselves a room each and hand them my room key so they can get downstairs

They leave and that's when u get a text from Nakia that our flight has been sorted and Okoye is coming to get us tomorrow at 10:30 AM.
I reply to the message and then I see Ayesha open the door to drop off my room key and take the rest of the girls' stuff as they're still coming up I tell her the time they need to be ready and when to come downstairs. I hug her and say good night to her and the rest of my friends.

I take off my makeup and get changed into PJs and put on big mouth to watch before I sleep which as we all know, I fell asleep mid-episode if I'm honest I fell asleep ten minutes into the episode but a text from Xavier, woke me up which was annoying but what can I do

Xavier 😒
Xavier: Heyy u up?

Monet: Well, now I'm up because YOU WOKE ME UP!

Xavier: Well, I got my answer now. 😔

Monet: Well, obviously u got ur answer now, what do u want I'm very busy tomorrow.

Xavier: Well, then what r u doing tomorrow?

Monet: I'm going on holiday with my friends and my flight is early and I'm not even sure if I have packed everything yet😔

Xavier: U know what let's face time and we can check if you've packed everything.

Monet: Ok then.

We end up talking for hours until I finally get tired and he notices and tells me to sleep so we end the call and I fall asleep again. Like without any disturbance.

Hey y'all idk but should I start doing povs so we can see the story from the other characters point of view and I'm thinking of giving Monet a more cultural middle name and background but I need help with that one so can you guys please give me ideas in the comments 💕💕 bye 😘

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